Part 6

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One of the butlers came up too him

"Master Takashi, Who do you have with you?"

"This is Haruhi Fujioka. The one I told you about"

"Of course is she staying here tonight?" The man asked all takshi did was nod yes "Ok then young master. Welcome home. Would you like dinner?"

"No. you?" He looked at me I shook my head no and he told them no. We walked to his room and he looked like he was ready to pass out.

"Taka-Kun lets go to bed" I said trying to get him to go to sleep with me. He took it the wrong way and picked me up still careful of my right arm. He kissed me on the lips and it was very passionate. He broke the kissed and laid me on the bed. He started to kiss my neck and he suck on one place it became a hickey. "Takashi stop it. That tickles" He sucked a little more on the hickey. Then got off of me."Time to sleep. Taka-Kun" I smiled and kissed his forehead. We cuddled all night. And I woke up first. I saw him sleeping peacefully. I kissed his cheek and whispered "Takashi wake up" His sleepy gray eyes looked right at me. He looked at my neck and was about to say something but I kissed him. "If you want you can make another one" I told him. He smiled a little and got on top of me careful of my arm and started to kiss the other side of my neck and started to suck on it. I let out a soft whimper and he heard it.

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly. To reassure him I kissed his lips again.

"Continue. I am glad you chose such a visible place people will now know I am taken by the best, you" He got the look back in his eyes and continued sucking on the new forming hickey. He stopped when he felt it was good. "Now it is your turn" I got the upper hand by surprise and was able to flip him to his back.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I started kiss his neck,

"Like I said your turn. You marked me twice I might say. Now you need one too" I explained and he obeyed. I found the perfect place on his next. I started to suck on it but his phone rang. I stopped as he clicked the button to answer it.

"Takashi Morinozuka, Some of the staff informs me you brought a girl home" A woman on the phone in a mad tone

"Mother, Haruhi spent the night here because two of the host club members came to her house uninvited and she was just out of the hospital that day. So I said she could stay the night here with me"

"Did anything happen?" Takashi's Mother asked

"No, Mother nothing happened" He replied with a tiny white lie

"Ok, I don't want you to hurt my future daughter in-law before I have the chance to actually meet her" She spoke happily

"Mother she can hear you" He spoke trying not to laugh

"Hello Miss. Morinozuka" I greeted her with my friendliest tone

"Hello Haruhi, Do me a favor and take care of Takashi, and be careful when he's sleepy. We need to properly meet soon, Bye" She ended the call before we could say bye

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