Part 4

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"Ok, Takashi. What's wrong?" I asked him using his real name

"Haruhi I got you something" He handed me the bag

"Takashi, you didn't have too" I spoke when he handed it to me.

"No, but I wanted to haruhi" He said with something in his voice that I couldn't make out "Open it". I pulled out the paper at the top to find Two things a Necklace that was very beautiful and an envelope. On the envelope it said 'Since I'm not so good at talking' I opened the envelope to find a letter and it said


I wrote this because I don't talk much. I wanted you to know that I have always had feeling for you. Feeling of more than a friend. Haruhi I hope you feel the same but if you don't that will be ok. I just wanted you to know that I love you

Signed, Takashi Morinozuka'

I was blushing heavily by the time I was done reading. I looked over at him "I didn't think that you felt the same as me" I gave a sincere smile. "Come here" I patted on the bed next to me and he obeyed. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too, Taka-kun" When I spoke I could see a small blush appear and I was glad. He kissed me and I loved it. I broke apart the kiss when I realized that it was lunch time and I hadn't eaten all day. "I think we should eat soon" i told him. He raised a finger like he was saying one second. And pulled out two boxes one for me and one for him. I smiled at him and said "Thank you". We ate the food and laid down for a nap. It was around 3 when Hunny woke us up. I went to the bathroom and since the accident no one wanted me to walk around by myself because I sprained my ankle. so I looked at them and said "If you follow me I don't care who you are. you will have a black eye" Then left them both scared. When I was done I properly washed my hands well I tried but it is hard with a cast on. When I got back to the room Dad was there.

"Ohhhh~, My dear haruhi how daddy missed you" He ran to me and hugged me but in a somewhat soft one.

"I missed you too, Dad" I said back to him

"Ohhhh~, I won't be able to stay and you will to released tonight. Buttt~ Sweet little Mitskuni and Takashi said they would take care of" He said gleefully "Ohhh~, and I promised I would go to karuizawa to visit misuzu. Soo~ can you watch over her since it is summer break. Take her vacation or anything just watch after her pleaseeee~~~~??" He asked Takashi and Hunny

"Of course we will take care of her" You could see the shock on our faces because it was Takashi who said that.

"Well it is settled then. Haruhi I leave you in there care. Be safe. And" He stopped to whisper in my ear "Wear protection with Takashi. I already talked with him." I was shocked with what Dad said but I was still blushing furiously.

"D-Dad!!" I stuttered.

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