Part 8

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I went to the bathroom and started to strip and get in when there was a knock at the door. I was half naked to I just said "Yes?!"

"I laid out some clothes for you to wear Today" Takashi said loud enough for me to hear but not to loud

"Thank you" I said back to him. I got in the shower and started to think 'Did he see my underwear? I hope he didn't. All of them either are just plain white or flowery. I hope he didn't see my Bra's. Ohh, god I bet he did' I thought that the whole time i was in there. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I opened the door to find that Takashi wasn't there. I didn't want him to walk in and see me naked so I grabbed my clothes and went back into the bathroom to change. He picked out one of my sundresses. The one with flowers one the end spreading up while getting smaller. And like I suspected he saw my underwear. I could tell he just grabbed the first two he found. 'I bet he was completely embarrassed to go through my bag' I got dressed quickly. Then I grabbed my makeup bag and my hair things. I brushed through my hair quickly and put two clips in. All the makeup I put on was some Mascara and some foundation over the hickeys. Dad has been trying to get me to put more on each day but I wouldn't unless it was a special occasion. I finished and left the bathroom. When I opened the door Takashi was standing in front of it

"I was about to knock" he said sheepishly.

"It is ok Takashi."

"Let's go to breakfast" He said and with those word we went downstairs to the dining room and might I add it was BIG.(Well of course it would be large considering the family his is in. ANyways back to the story). He grabbed my hand and I sat next to him.

"So this would be haruhi I presume" The lady at the head of the table, I guess his mother, Said.

"Yes, Mother this is Haruhi, Haruhi this is my Mother" Takashi said

"It is nice to meet you Miss. Morinozuka" When I spoke she smiled a huge one.

"Please, Call me mom" She said to me. Takshi was eating when she said that and started to cough with food in his mouth.

"Mother" He said right after he stop. She laughed at him.

"What?" She asked him. He just kept quiet after the event. "So Haruhi, Takashi has told me a lot about you" She was going to continue but takashi spoke up

"Mom" Takashi said to try and get her to stop talking.

"You are seeming quite talkative today takashi. What got you in that mood?" She said and with those words he stopped talking for the rest of breakfast. His mom kept asking me questions and I answered them honestly. Then she said something that I was surprised by. She said "The only time Takashi tells me about his day he talks about you with so much... what is it." She was at a stump until her face lit up and she continued "So much love"

"Ok, I am done. How about you haruhi?" Takashi asked finished with what his mother was talking about.

"Yeah I am done" I answered him honestly and completely oblivious to the fact that he was embarrassed.

"Ok, Well mother I need to get her home so she can pack for the trip. Bye" He said so we could leave.

"Good-bye Haruhi" His mother said

"Nice to meet you Miss. Morinozuka. Till next time" I said and then as soon as takashi and I were out of the room he finally sighed in relief. He grabbed my hand and we walked outside to the limo. He had one of the maids get my bags even though I could have gotten it. Well after that we were in the vehicle holding hands him still embarrassed by what his mother was talking about.

"Takashi" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He just grunted. Back to his normal self no more talkative Takashi. "I had fun this morning" I said sincerely

"What part of this morning?" He asked

"When we woke up in the bed. I loved it. I really did." And with those word both of our face were a shade of crimson. "Takashi" I said to him. He looked at me with confusion. I lifted my head up a little to reach his and kissed him. I could tell he was surprised by this gesture. I started to pull away but then I didn't expect his arms to go around me and pull me into a deep kiss. THe kiss was a long one and we didn't stop until we felt the car stop. I pulled away from him. "Wanna come in?" I asked and he just nodded his head yes.


 Authors note

I saw that in the comments on that last Part you wanted somethings to happen. I will think about it no promises ok. Anyways, I just want you guys to know I do this for you and thanks for the support on this. I wanted you to know that I love you all and Stay alive Sunshines.

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