Part 16

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"Who's ready to go to dinner?" Mitskuni asked with flowers floating around his head. He lead the way for all of us. When we got into the Limo that we were riding in. All of us in one limo. Ugh. I sat next to Takashi and Mitskuni. And then Tamaki had to say

"Excuse me Mori-Senpai. May I sit next to my daughter?" I shit you not Chika, Satoshi, and mitskuni gashped in air while kyoya looked shocked.

"No" Takashi stated bluntly

"w-what?" Tamaki stuttered

"Senpai he said no now stop being such a drama queen... I mean king" I said and everyone laughed at what I said except Tamaki.

"Get in and shut up" Kyoya told tamaki whom obeyed him. The car ride was loud because of the twins teasing tamaki. Once we arrived at the restaurant we were showed a private room because it is the host club. 

"Daughter come sit next to daddy" Tamaki demanded

"Haru-chan will you please sit next to Takashi and I?" Mitskuni asked

"Sure Mitskuni" When I gave my reply Tamaki fainted, The twins jaws dropped to the floor, and kyoya was well kyoya he knew everything.

"Don't ask" Satoshi said to them. When we all sat down Takashi and I held hands under the table. We didn't want them to know yet. We order our food and were waiting. I had to let go of takashi's hand so I could drink some water. His hand now rested on my leg protectively. I looked over at his and smiled with a slight blush over my cheeks.

"Mommy why is daughter looking at the neighbor like that?" Tamaki asked Kyoya. 

"Ohhhh~~~, Haru-chan can I tell them?" Mitskuni asked me

"If they don't figure it out yet" We waited for a few minutes and Tamaki still looked clueless "Ok now you can" I told him

"Yay~~. Tama-chan don't freak out buuuuttt~~~~ Haru-chan and Takashi are a couple" Mitskuni said flowers everywhere. Tamaki still looked clueless while the twins jaws were on the floor. 

"A couple of what?" Tamaki asked

"They are dating Tama-chan" Mitskuni said clearly even more flowers poping up.

"WHAT!? MY DAUGHTER IS TO YOUNG TO DATE BOYS!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY THE NEIGHBOR!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tamaki screeched finally getting the message. He tried to run to me and pull me into a hug but he was stopped by a shinai.

"Souh-Senpai I sugjest that you sit down and shut the F*** up" Chika said before his cousin could.

"AHHHHHH MOMMY" tamaki yelled running towards kyoya when he was pinned to the ground by chikas shurikens. 

"Now for dinner" Kyoya said. We were all eating even tamaki. He was having to be fed because we would not allow him up. "Haruhi I hope you will be staying on the host club next year" Kyoya said

"I don't know kyoya since I am a girl and my gender has been revealed I don't even know if I will still be attending Ouran"



Gonna end this part here. ILYGTTMAB!!!!! Be safe. Stay alive sunshines.

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