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Straddling him.My hands on his chest. His on my hips. I shoved my tongue into his mouth wanting to go farther. He was surprised at my actions. Our kiss became more passionate and it sent sensations all through my body. I started grinding my hips against his. He groaned and stopped kissing me. "Are you sure? Don't start something you can't finish" Takashi said. I kissed him once again,then whispered in his ear,"I'm sure Taka. I love you"I kissed him and was passionate about it. I kept grinding my hips to his and gasped went I felt a bulge right in his pants. I kept up all of my actions and felt the bulge get bigger. I wanted to touch him, and I could tell he wanted to touch me. I took off my night gown reveling my matching bra and underwear. They were light pink and my underwear was wet. He marveled at the sight of me. He flipped me onto my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. The kiss was passionate and long. I moved my hands down to his pants and hooked my two index fingers inside his pants and yanked them down as far as I could. He kicked them off and was just in his boxers. I was still kissing him and he slipped a hand behind my back and unhooked my bra. I took it off and he put his hand on my boob. He started to squeeze it and pinch my nipple. I moaned at his touch. He kept on touching me and he then put his mouth on my other nipple. He started to suck on it and his actions made me moan. My hands were in his hair and pulling on it. He groaned. Then I made him stop. He looked at me with confusion,until I got the upper hand,and flipped him to his back. He was still in shock until I got in between his legs and pulled his boxers off. He was long,extremely long. I got even more wet from the sight. He got a hint and flipped me on my back again. He put his hand on my vagina and felt how soaked it was. He moved his hand to the top of my underwear and yanked it off. He gawked for a moment. He opened up the bedside table and fumbled around until he pulled out some condoms. He opened the package and slipped it on. He positioned himself at my entrance and gave me a long kiss. He kept his lips on mine as he started to enter, it was painful,and some tears fell from my face. He stopped and said,"Do you want me to stop?""No" I said. He continued slowly,a few more tears escaped,and he stopped again.

"Are you sure?" he asked worryingly. I wanted the pain to stop,but it would only stop when he was all the way in. I pushed him up into a sitting position and slid all the way on to his length. I screamed a little and he was shocked. The pain was subsiding and I went up and down. Soon the pain was gone and he was moving inside of me. I got an immense pleasure from this and he did too. I was moaning and he was too. 

"Ahhh. Ta-ka-shi" I moaned out. I kissed him again,except this time it was rough and hard, our tongues tasting each other.

"Un, Haru-hi" he grunted. He pumped in and out of me hard.We were like wild beasts. I felt like I was on the edge. I soon climaxed and when my walls clenched around his length he spit his seed all inside of me. We collapsed on the bed both feeling completely happy. We were now lying on the bed and he pulled the covers over us. We both fell asleep soon afterwards.

 I was awoken by some rays of sunshine,and I looked up to find Takashi asleep. He looked so peaceful. I started to leave light feathery kisses along his jaw line. He stirred in his sleep.

"Wake up Taka" I whispered in his ear. He woke up and I gave him a kiss on his lips. "Morning" he smiled at me and I blushed.



Heyyyy. How are you? Thats good. I hope you like this if you don't I will probably cry. ILYGTTMAB!!!!! Stay Alive Sunshines. BTW I wrote this for Awesomeness34.

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