Part 18 (warning more lemon)

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His eyes not leaving me. He closed his book and put it down. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Why you are awful talkative today. What could have gotten you in that mood?" I asked him already knowing the answer. He kissed my neck and whisper

"You" and kissed me again. He was trying to seduce me, but two can play at this game. I turned around to face him. 

"Taka-kun, why do you try and tease me?" I said to him in a shy voice. He blushed but quickly covered it up. "Don't try me. I can play this game better than you" I said and walked out of the room down to breakfast leaving a very... what's the word... excited Takashi. I arrived at breakfast about a minute before Takashi. Once I was on the room I took my seat and Takashi sat next to me. I looked up at him and smiled playfully. We ate in almost complete silence until I had to ask "Mitskuni, what did you do with Tamaki-senpai?"

"Oh let me just say he won't be bothering us so soon" He replied with a wicked grin on. He got horrified looks from chika and Satoshi "Don't worry he isn't dead" With those word the rest of breakfast was finished in complete silence. I went back upstairs to take a nap. When I got there Takashi had beat me to the room. Iopened the door to find him laid on the bed in his boxers staring at me, with a condom in his hand. I shut and locked the door quickly.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. Actually wondering (A/N: Haruhi is supposed to be completely oblivious to everything but She hasn't been lately so I just have too)      

"What does it look like?" He asked me. I blushed at his words finally realizing what he was trying to do. 

"No, I am not completely healed" I told him.

"Don't lie your walking is normal and you want it don't you?"

"Ok fine I lied. I do want you but..." I couldn't think of something

"But what?" He asked.

"Ummm..." I said as he got up and started walking towards me. "Fine there is no but. I want you right here and right now. So open up that condom and make hot love to me" I said finally giving in to him. He picked me up so I was straddling him. He kissed me passionately on the lips. I jumped down off of him to take of my dress and underwear. When I did he rid himself of his boxers. He slipped the condom on. He picked me up again so I was straddling him once more. He already had a huge boner and I was extremely wet. He sunk his shaft into me. Instead of pain I felt Immense pleasure. 

"Ahhhh" I moaned out as he grunted at my warmth. He pumped in and out of me fastly. With me against the wall straddling him my hands gripping his shoulders. His hand gripped tightly on my hips. "Ahhhhh Ta-ka-shi" I said in between moans. He was grunting. What we didn't know was the lock on the door was picked and it was cracked open. Two red-heads, A blond, and Kyoya were at the door

"Holy-shit" The twins said in unison. Tamaki fainted thinking his "Daughter" was being violated by the "Neighbor". Kyoya grabbed all of them and left for he did not was to keep watching that. 

*Back with the couple going at it*

"Unnn, Haru-hi" Takashi managed to say in between grunts of pleasure. 

"Ahhh Ahhh" I managed to moan out. I felt my climax approaching. I was on cloud nine when it happened. "AHhh" I climaxed and my walls clenched his length when he came.  We rode out the orgasm together both not wanting it to stop. 

"Takashi I love you" I told him.

"I love you too" He replied to me. I got off of him and Picked up my dress. I put it back on and said

"They are probably wondering where we went"

"I told them earlier that we were going to take a nap"

"So we can do what we want?" I asked him

"Ah" he replied to me. I walked over to him throwing my dress off. I grabbed him hand and pulled him to the bathroom. Shower sex sounded good.



Heyyy guys I won't be able to update soo often. School Ikr.I am gonna end this part on a good note. Till next time. ILYGTTMAB!!!!! Be safe. Stay Alive sunshines.

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