Part 11

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"What?" I asked them

"You... You just called my alien of a brother by his first name" Chika exclaimed. 

"What about it. I call your cousin by his given name. Right Takashi"


"W-W-What!? You know what never-mind" Chika finally gave up. We spent the rest of the plane ride in almost complete silence. When arrived in Switzerland it was ok weather though I still wore a small Jacket and a dress. Our plane arrived earlier than the rest of the clubs. We left to go the Mansion we would be staying at. We didn't want to see Tamaki... I mean the rest of the host club. We in the limo when Mitskuni decided to speak up

"There are only three bedrooms. Sato-chan and Chika-chan will share. And since I had a cold last week the doctor wants me to sleep in my own room. So Haru-chan you don't mind sharing with Takashi. Do you?" He said with tears starting in the corners of his eyes.

"Of course not Mitskuni" I said and patted his head softly.

"What about you Takashi?" He looked at him and winked. I could tell Takashi was caught off by the question.

"Ah" He shortly answered. We soon up to the small Mansion. 

"Ok One room on the third floor which is Haru-chans and Takashi's. And two on the second one is mine and the other is yours" He said pointing to Satoshi and Chika. We got our bags and headed into  the mansion. Takashi and I went straight to our room. For I was almost 8 at night. When we walked in we noticed only on bed. 

"I guess we will have to share" I said looking at him with a blush place on my face. I could tell he was repressing one.

 We unpacked our stuff and went down for dinner. I stayed quiet for most of dinner. Soon it was time to go sleep. 

"I will go change in the bathroom" I said that and went into the bathroom. "Ugh" Dad threw out all of my comfy Pajamas so all I had were nightgowns. Rather revelings one at that. I put on the dress that ended a little past mid-thigh, with thin straps and showed a little bit of my small cleavage. I walked out to find Takashi dressed in pajama pants with no shirt. I blushed heavily looking at his bare chest. He saw me and started to blush at what was wearing also. He sat down his book on the bed stand and laid down. I crawled into bed next to him and he turned off the lamp. The only light in the room was from the windows. My back was to him and I tried to sleep but I couldn't because my mind kept wandering to him and how he was half-naked. And Damn I can feel his body heat. I wanted to look at him. So I turned to face him. He was staring at me lovingly. I put my hand to his face and looked into his eyes. Those dark grey eyes staring at me made me want to kiss him, but before I could he kissed me first. It was hard to kiss him like how we were. I got on top of him. Straddling him. My hands on his chest. His hands on my hips. 



*Laughs Evilly* Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I feel so bad by ending this part right her but don't worry the scene will be up. Possibly soon or maybe not. Who know. ILYGTTMAB. Till next time stay alive sunshines.

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