Chapter 6

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D: *Rubbing your back* Baby it'll work out fine, I promise.

U: I just.... I just can't believe this.

Later that night...

Everybody is in bed sleeping. The house is entirely silent and dark. You're the only one awake. You get out of bed and throw on some sweats and a hoodie. Lastly you throw on your Jordan Concords and throw your hair into a messy bun. Out the door you go and you head to a place you haven't been to in about 3 or 4 years.

The strip club.

U: Um hi I'm looking for Pimp Daddy Greg.

Security: Do you have an appointment?

U: I used to work here. I'm sure I don't need one.

S: I'll be back. Stay here. What's your name?

U: YN.

He leaves and go into Pimp Daddy Greg's office.

S: Boss there's a lady at the front entrance named YN and she's wants to speak to you. Should I let her in?

PDG: Wait did you say YN? *Puts his blunt down* Send her in.

The security guard walks back to you.

S: You can step right into his office.

You walk into his office and a huge smile appears on his face.

PDG: Ahhh YN! You came back.

U: Yeah. I was just stopping by to see if you had an extra pole. I'm going threw some things back at home and I could really use the money.

PDG: Of course I got a pole! I'll kick one of those hoes out and the pole is all yours. When do you wanna start?

U: Tomorrow?

PDG: Perfect! So what's been going on?

U: Well since I left I got married and I have 2 kids.

PDG: Damn! You can't even tell. You still fine as hell.

U: Thank you daddy.

PDG: So do you still get down and dirty or are you saving all of that for your husband?

U: Whatever will get me money I'm down.

PDG: *Rubs his hands together* That's what's up.

After talking to Pimp Daddy Greg you throw a few bandz at the strippers. You threw 1's 5's 10's and 20's but no one worked their way up to them big face hunnids. It seems like the place has gone down hill since you left. After having a little fun you went back home. Everybody was still asleep so you got back into bed and went to sleep as well.

In The Morning....

It's a beautiful Saturday morning and you wake up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. You throw on your robe and walk downstairs into the kitchen.

You see Diggy cooking and Braelyn and Deilo sitting a the table.

De: Good Morning Mommy!

U: Good Morning Sweeteart! How did you sleep?

De: Good!

D: Good Morning Baby *Kisses you*

U: Good Morning Sexy. *Kisses him back* Good Morning Braelyn.

B: Good Morning Mom.

D: You seem like you're in a good mood today.

U: I am. And as for our situation, I'm just going to have to live with it. I'm disappointed in you Braelyn but I'm over it. All we can do now is pray that you bring a healthy baby into this world.

B: Thanks Mom.

U: You're welcome sweetheart but now that your bringing a baby into this world it's not all about you anymore. You have to be responsible and consider yourself lucky because most parents would've kicked their daughter out but since you're my baby and you're going to be a single mother, I'll be there every step of the way.

B: *Hugs you* I love you.

U: I love you too.

De: Wait... Sissy you're having a baby?

B: Yupp.

De: Is it a boy or girl?

B: I don't know yet.

D: Enough of this baby talk. Here lets eat.

Your POV...: Truthfully this whole situation is killing me in the inside. I mean what mother would want their 16 year old daughter having a baby? The best thing I can do is be there for her. That's the only thing that I really can do. The damage is already done.

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