Chapter 19

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After councilling was over you and Diggy walked out to the parking lot together.

U: Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?

D: Appsolultly. Thanks for coming today.

U: You're Welcome. I couldn't give up on us just like that.

D: Hmm. I'll see you later. *Hugs you*

U: *Hugs back* Bye.

After getting in your car you drive over to Deilo's school to pick him up.

U: Hey baby. How was school?

De: It was good. Guess what!

U: What is it?

De: I got a girlfriend!

U: You do? What's her name?

De: Christina. She beautiful mom.

U: She is?

De: Mhmm. But of course not more beautiful than you momma. You're the prettiest in the world.

U: Aww thank you baby! Guess who's coming to dinner tonight.

De: Uncle Spin?

U: Nope. Daddy!

De: Yayy! Is he staying the night to?

U: I don't know D.

De: Okay.

You drive home. You see a car in your driveway parked in your spot.

U: D run in the house real quick and tell Jaemar to move his car!

De: okay.

3 minutes later Jaemar comes out and moves his car. You move you car in its correct spot and get out.

U: Jaemar what did I tell you about parking in my spot? This big ass driveway and you decide to park here.

J: I'm sorry Mrs.Simmons. It won't happen again.

U: It better not. *Tries to act hood* You don't want these problems.

You go inside and hear the baby crying. You walk upstairs and see Braelyn rocking the baby.

U: *In a baby voice* Aww what's wrong with grandmas little pookie?

B: He won't stop crying. Me, Aunt Ang, and Jae tried to get him to stop.

U: Let me see him.

She hands you the baby and he stops crying.

U: Magic. I'll take him so you can have a break.

B: Thanks I needed it.

U: Where Ang?

B: Downstairs.

U: Okay. Oh and Daddy is coming over for dinner tonight.

B: Yes! Okay.

You walk downstairs and see Ang and Deilo on the couch talking.

U: Hey Ang.

A: Hey. How did councilling go?

U: It went good. He's coming over for dinner tonight. You can stay if you'd like.

A: Oh no that's okay. I'll let you guys have family time.

U: Alright.

A: You can go start dinner. I'll help Deilo with his homework.

U: Really? You don't have to.

A: I'm his aunt. It's only right.

U: Thank You.

You sat the baby in his bouncer and went into the kitchen and started dinner. Diggy got there around 5 and You finished around 6 o'clock.

U: Dinner is served.

You all sat down at the table and ate. It was you, Diggy, Jaemar, Braelyn, The Baby, and Deilo.

Dinner went smooth. Laughs went all around the table and around 7 o'clock everyone was done.

J: That was great. Thank You Mrs.Simmons.

U: No Problem.

B: Well I guess I'll give Jaycion a bath now.

J: I'll help.

D: I'll give De a bath.

U: Okay. I'll clean up.

So everybody goes and does the thing. After Diggy was done giving Deilo a bath you both put him to bed.

U: *Closing Deilo's bedroom door* Are you staying tonight?

D: If you allow me to.

U: It's fine. I'll go check on Brae and I'll be back.

You go into Braelyn's room and see her and Jaemar laying on the bed.

U: Jaemar it's time for you to leave.

B: Mom can he stay? We won't do anything.

U: No, he can come back tomorrow.

J: That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow baby.

He kisses her on the cheek and then the baby. He says goodnight and leaves.

U: Good night Brae.

B: Good Night.

You walk out and close her door. You walk back into you room and closed the door. You see Diggy laying on your bed in boxers and socks. Tbh you missed that view. You changed into a big t shirt and laid next to him. He wrapped his arm around you.

D: I missed this.

U: Me too. Good Night.

He kissed your forehead and said good night. Then you both drifted off into your dreams.

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