Chapter 24

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You got to Deilo's school and hopped out, barely even parking the car. You ran in and seen Dig talking to two policemen and the principle.

D: There she is.

U: Where's my son?!

P1: Ma'am we have officers looking for him. Calm down.

U: Lemme ask you this. Do you have kids?

P1: Yes but that doesn't have anything to do with this.

U: It does because what if somebody came and kidnapped your kid while they were at school? Would you keep calm? No. Now get the fuck out of my face.

Principle: Mrs. Simmons, our files say that Deilo was checked out at 1:27 by his aunt. The women even called you and brought in a note signed by you saying it was okay for her to sign him out.

U: No the fuck she did not call me and I damn sure don't remember signing this note. Don't you guys have cameras? Where's the footage?

Principle: Right this way ma'am.

He took y'all to his office and played the video for y'all.

Principle: This is around the time. Do you guys recognize any of these people?

D: Stop it right there! That's S-


P2: Who is Simone? Do you guys have any information on her?

D: No but we can get some...

Chad's POV

So I was sitting at home chillin, just watching Revolt TV when Simone texted me and told me to open the door. I did so and she was standing there with Deilo by her side..

De: Uncle Chaddy!

C: Hey man. Umm go upstairs and watch tv.

De: Okay!

C: Simone what the fuck is this?!

S: I took the kid.

C:  Are you fucking serious Simone?! This was not apart of the plan. YN doesn't play when it comes to her kids.

S: Oooo I really care. She has something I want. She'll get her kid back when I get what I want.

C: What does she have that  you want?

S: Diggy.

 Your POV

So after leaving Deilo's school you and Diggy went over to his parents house. They seen that you were crying and instantly ran over to you and hugged you.

J: Aww whats wrong?

You couldn't even speak. You just started crying on her shoulder.

RR: Dig whats wrong with her? What happened?

D: Dad Deilo is missing.

J: What?! Well what did the principle say?

D: A bunch of BS.

RR: Well I'm not going to tell you guys not to worry because i would be worried, but i know one thing. We will find Deilo and when we do he will be safe. Lets pray.

 You all grabbed ahold of each others hands and bowed your heads. Rev said a prayer and eventually Justine got you to calm down. After spending about a hour or two at Diggy's parents house you guys left and went to your house. When you guys got there you guys told Braelyn about what had happened and she didn't take it so well.

D: I know you guys are upset and I am too but we have to stay strong and let God work his magic. De will be back  with us. Just give God some time and he'll be back in no time.

U: This is j-

You were interrupted by Jaemar coming down the stairs. You all looked at him and a look of worriedness went across Braelyn's face.

U: Braelyn what is he doing here?

B: He's just here to see the baby. That's all.

U: I know you remember that conversation we had about letting people in the house without me knowing or without my permission. So imma ask you this again... what is he doing here?

B: He came to see th-

J: Brae I cant lie. Mrs. Simmons, last night when you told me to go home I left but then I came back. When I came back we ended up having sex and I stayed over last night.

D: Braelyn go upstairs.

U: And you leave. I don't want to see your face around here ever again. If you want to see your son you and Braelyn better meet at a park or restaurant or something but you're not welcomed here.

J: I understand. Have a good night.

He left leaving you and Diggy the only two downstairs.

D: Go upstairs and take a nice hot bath and relax. Ill take care of her.

U: Thank You.

You went upstairs and did as he told you to do and he went into Braelyn's room and sat in the chair in the corner of her room and begun to talk.

D: Brae what were you thinking? Do you really want to be in that situation again where you're carrying another baby inside you for another nine months? Wow I never imagined myself having a daughter that gets pregnant at 16 then she continues to have sex and I have to put her on birth control. Do you not care about your life and future?

B: Of course I care. We use condoms.

D: Condoms don't work every time Braelyn! What would you do if you got pregnant again?

B: I don't know.

D: That's not a good answer! You're my little princess and it breaks my heart knowing you're having sex.

B: Dad im sorry.

D: And why didn't you listen to your mother? There's a reason she has rules and that reason is to protect you. What would you have done if he tried to rape you or kill you while we were gone?

B: Dad he's not like that..

D: You don't know how people are! Somebody can be your best friend one day and kill you the next. Im not saying don't trust people but im  saying be careful who you do trust. Look I love you and I just want the best for you.

B: I love you to dad.

D: Good. Now give me your phone, laptop, and iPad because you're grounded.

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