Chapter 16

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Lucy's POV

Two days ago I ran into Gray. He figured out who I was, even though I had a disguise on. It has also been two days since I asked him to come to the Realm of Dragons with me. I don't know what I was thinking. If he refuses I will have to erase the memories of him ever seeing me alive. I don't want to do that, but I can't force him to come.

Over the past two days, Oceanum has begun to teach me materialization spells. The first spell she taught me allowed me to materialize my own wings. I can only use it for a few minutes however, because I am nowhere near mastering materialization.

Ignis has begun to teach me teleportation magic. So far, I can teleport small objects a few feet away, but Ignis won't allow me to teleport myself until I get better.

Stellae has been teaching me manipulation magic. I'm learning how to read minds, as well as manipulate people's perspective, so I will appear different, or even non-existent. She said that eventually, she will teach me how to manipulate someone's memory, or even erase parts of it. Tomorrow she will accompany me to ask Gray if he will come with me. If he refuses, she will use it as a demonstration, on memory manipulation. I asked her not to, but she refused.

Gray, I'm so sorry.

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