Chapter 19

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Lucy's POV

I collapsed on my soft bed in my room. I had just finished a difficult training session with Ignis. She has started to teach me how to teleport myself, however I could only move myself a few feet at a time. Ignis told me that it would get easier with time and training.

I sighed and stood up, turning my body to look out the window at the setting sun. Dinner would be ready soon. I left my chambers and headed across the hall. It had been two weeks since Griffon entered the Realm of Dragons, and he had been sleeping most of it. Oceanum was constantly watching over him, treating his illness, and feeding him whenever he was awake. I hadn't gotten a chance to speak to him since we entered the portal. Every time I had tried to, he had been asleep.

I walked down the hall a bit and turned to face the door of the room he was staying in. As I knocked on the door, I was surprised by no answer. Usually, Oceanum would open the door and invite me in. Concerned, I opened the door.

Standing by the window, was Griffon. He had on a loose white button down shirt, accompanied by a pair off black pants. I leaned against the wall and admired the way the light of the fading sun made his Raven hair shine.

Looking down, I couldn't help but giggle. He had no socks or shoes on, and instead, was standing by the window, wearing a pair of pink bunny slippers. Apparently, he had heard my giggle, because he turned around and looked very surprised by my presence.

He shook a little, obviously startled by my being there, so I did the only thing that came to mind. I smiled.

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