Chapter 35

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Lucy's POV

"Alright. Are we all set?" I asked, anxious to get going.

It was the week after Griffon and I had spared, and we were finally going back to the guild.

"I'm ready when you are!" Griffon exclaimed.

"You seem a little to excited about this." I said, weary of his attitude.

"I haven't seen my brother in two years Lucy. Of corse I'm excited."

"I understand that, but Griffon, we altered his memory. He thinks your dead. And we'll be in disguise. He won't know who you are." I replied, worried.

"I know Lucy. But seeing him will be enough." He sighed.

"Okay, if you say so. Here, take this." I said, handing Griffon a manipulation lacrima.

I watched him study the object. He seemed like a little kid, discovering something new.

He really has gotten bigger, hasn't he?

I thought back to when we first met, in Magnolia. He had seemed so frail and weak then. Looking at him now, he was like a different person. You could see his muscles through his t-shirt, and his face had filled out some too. You could still see his angular cheek bones, and his icy blue eyes had only grown brighter. His tousled, raven-colored, hair looked healthier too, although he still hated brushing it.

"Luuuuuuccccyyyy. Hellloooooo? Are you there?" I snapped back to reality as Griffon waved his head I front of my face.

"You okay? You like totally zoned out. And I think you started drooling too." He said, snickering.

"I was not!" I shrieked, checking my face just in case.

"Maybe not, but I made you check!" He said, laughing.

In response, I punched him in the arm.

"Owwww. That hurt, Luce."

I felt myself go stiff.

"Don't ever call me that. Got it?" I asked, failing at hiding the hatred in my voice.

"O-okay. Don't be so scary. Anyways, what's this thing for?" He said, swinging the red pendent in my face.

"That, is a manipulation lacrima. It will change your appearance. I was wearing one the day we brought you to the Realm of the Dragons." I explained.

"Yeah, but I know manipulation magic. Why do I need it?" He asked.

"It's been a while since you teleported using a portal. Last time you even weren't conscious for it. It takes a lot out of you. It's just for the trip over. Once you regain your magical energy, you can use your own magic." I explained, shivering as I remembered my first teleportation.

Griffon sighed before slipping the silver chain over his neck.

We both put on black cloaks and activated our manipulation spells. Griffon's hair turned white, and his eyes became purple. Looking in the reflection of the crystal wall, I turned my hair black, and made my eyes pink.

Griffon and I looked at each other before cracking a smile our new looks.

"Pink eyes huh? I can dig that." Griffon said, giving me a toothy grin.

"Yeah, okay old man." I said, ruffling his white hair.

I looked to the silver portal in front of me.

It's been five years. I wonder what's changed.

"Ready?" Griffon asked me.

"Yeah." I replied.

Griffon disappeared through the portal.

I sighed and covered my face with the hood of the cloak.

I hope your ready Fairy Tail. Here I come.

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