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Third person's POV

The girl got down from the car, waved at Dave and walked towards him with a smile. Dave too returned the smile and walked to her.

" Hi Harini, you reached early? "

Dave didn't expect her at the moment he was searching Angel to propose his love.

" By seeing your face, I think you're not OK that I reached early. "

She caught the mind voice of Dave. But he managed to cover it with his warm smile.

" Come on Harini. Nothing as you think. So have you brought the medicines I asked with you? "

" Yes Doc. I brought everything you listed."

" Thanks Harini for coming all the way here to deliver the medicines. "

" So Doc, are you going to call me in or will you get the medicines and tell me to leave at once? I'm tired by driving myself. "

" Oh!! I'm sorry. Let's go in. "

Dave carried the package of medicines she brought and went in followed by Harini.

Harini was also a Doctor working in Dave's hospital, who was already married and settled with her husband in Johannesburg. Since Dave asked her to bring some medicines he needed in the camp, she came to deliver it in person.

" You should have sent it through someone else. Why did you drive this distance? "

Dave interrogated her while they went into his room.

" You know Doc, how hectic our work is? I was stressed and felt like to breath some fresh air. So I took a day off and drove all this way taking it just a reason. "

" So you got refreshed now?"

" Not completely. If I could get a hot coffee, I think I'll. "

She chuckled saying that. He too accompanied her in laughing.

" Yeah sure. I'll tell someone to bring coffee for you. "

Dave left the room and said Lucy to get a coffee and returned back. Dave and Harini was chatting and discussing about the matters regarding their hospital.

While they were conversing, Harini saw a glimpse of Angel through the ajar door. Angel was going to the dining hall from her room.

" Doc, is that Lisa?"

Dave peeked out and saw Angel entering the dining hall.

" No Harini. That's not Lisa. She's Angel. "

Harini looked confused.

" Oh!! She looked similar to Lisa akka."

" OK fine. Who's that Lisa?" Dave asked her.

" She was my senior in my school. A famous personality of our school. I was just confused since this girl looked similar from distant. Lisa akka ( akka means elder sister in Tamil) will have no reasons to be in such a place. " she sighed.

" Then what's up. You should have brought your hubby along with you. Why didn't he tag you along? "

" Why Doc? Let me be a free bird at least a day. Let me fly around happily a single day at the least. "

Dave let out a laughter hearing her.

" Everyone wanted to get married yet they want to be a free bird. I don't understand this."

" Doc, you'll understand once you get married. When you fall in love with someone, you wanted to get married to them as soon as possible. But once you get married, you'll get to know the real person and that was not the same person you loved, so obviously you wanted to be a free bird."

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