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Angel's POV

Two years back when I came to this home, I had zero percent happiness, zero percent hope and zero percent desire to live. But now after the entry of Ria and Dave in my life, I have hundred percent or even more happiness, hope and desire to live.

Today, from the moment I woke up from the sleep, my heart weighed heavy. Dave's medical camp was closed yesterday and he would decamp the home today.

I knew that I would be with him after two weeks. I would tag along with him to India. But engrossed about the two weeks without him near me made me dizzy. The turmoil in my heart didn't settle down until I heard his voice.

Dave was knocking the door to say his bye - bye to me. I couldn't witness him get into the car and leave. So I already conveyed my Adieus to Lucy and Andrea. I decided to stay at room when he leaves.

I forced and curled up my lips into a smile before opening the door to him.

" Hi dear"

I could sense a forced cheeriness in his voice. I knew that he too would miss me a lot.

" Hi.."

" Why are you hiding in the room? "

How did he find out that I'm hiding here? I turned to avoid facing him since he might find out the truth.

" Why should I hide?"

" I know Angel. You won't show your face when you lie to me. "

Oh my... He have understood me so well. I couldn't even hide anything from him. So why should I face the other side? I bit my lips in embarrassment and turned to him.

" Don't worry Angel. Only two weeks.. Then lifelong I'll be with you until I die. "

" I know. "

Dave looked at Ria who was playing with toys.

" Ria baby.. Come to daddy.."

Ria ran to him leaving the toys behind.

" Tady.."

She threw herself into his arms. He kissed her cheeks.

" What is my Ria baby doing? "

" Tady.. Bow bow.."

She pointed to the dog toy lying on the bed.

" Next time, daddy will take you out to show the real bow bow. OK baby?"

She clapped her tiny hands in excitement.

" Now give daddy a kiss."

He showed his cheek to her. She leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.

" So sweet. Now I got a kiss from you. Will I get one from your mommy?"

Inevitably my cheeks turned red hearing him.

" No way. "

I answered him without giving him a chance of expectation. He pouted his lips like an innocent kid.

" Sure I'll steal one from you.... Soon..."

" Let's see.."

He gave one last kiss to Ria and let her down.

" OK Angel. I'm leaving. "

" Sorry.. I cannot come with you to your car."

" I understand Angel. If you come, then I too cannot leave. So better stay here. "

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