Missing You

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Picture of Dylan on the side. -------->

Raul's POV

Chapter One

                  Happiness that is all we ever want in life. To find that one person we can’t live without, the person we look forward to seeing every day. The one that all they have to do is look at you and you know they love you. I had all that, but in a blink of an eye it was taken from me.


                “I wish you didn’t have to go, I’m going to miss you and now you’re leaving me here to plan the wedding alone.” I placed my forehead against his as my finger brushed against my engagement ring. He lifted up my chin to look at him.

                “You have my mom and Isaac to help you, and you can tell me everything you plan when I talk to you. Whatever you want is fine with me, just as long as you’re happy.” I pouted my lips.

                “I would be happier if you didn’t have to go, I’m going to be so lonely here without you.” he chuckled.

        “It’s just for six months, they will pass by like that.” Dylan said as he snapped his fingers. “I got you something and you need to promise me you will keep it safe until I come back.” He leaned in and kissed me, I smiled against his lips.

                “What is it?” I asked, he smiled at me as his fingers brushed against my cheek.

                “My heart,” he whispered as he placed a heart shaped locket in my hand. The tears I had been holding back rolled down my cheeks, “Baby don’t cry everything will be ok.” He hugged me tight as I cried, I was trying to stay strong for him, but I couldn’t anymore. I didn’t want to lose him, he was everything to me.

               All I could do was stare at the coffin in front of me, the tears rolling down my face. I didn’t even think I had any tears left; I hadn’t stopped crying since they told me about Dylan. I couldn’t even process what had happened, it just couldn’t be right. Not my Dylan, not the love of my life.

                 It was just the other day that I was saying goodbye to him and now I was sitting here as the priest spoke about Dylan. He was my world and now he was gone, I was never going to see him smile. I was never going to hear his laugh; he was never going to hold me. I was going to miss it all and I was dying without him.

                “Dylan’s younger brother Isaac would like to share some words.” The priest stepped down from the podium as Isaac took his place. He looked terrible; I could only imagine how I looked. They were so close and I know he wasn’t taking it so well. Dylan’s mom Emilia squeezed my hand; she was like my own mom too. She always treated me like one of her sons and she was happy when Dylan proposed to me, but now none of that was going to happen.

              “Dylan was an outgoing, goofy, and a kind hearted person. He always put others needs before his, he loved with everything he had. He was my hero and I looked up to him, when he told me he was going to join the Marines I was proud of him. But at the same time I knew that we might lose him.” he broke down and started to cry. I let go of Emilia’s hand and walked up to him.

                 I hugged him as he fell onto me and cried, “Its okay Isaac.” I tried to help him to the seat next to his mom, but he wouldn’t move. “Come on Isaac,” he shook his head.

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