First Date

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Chapter Eight

I was feeling nervous, it's been so long since I have been on an actual date. I wasn't even sure what to wear, Matt was being really hush, hush about where he was taking me. All he told me was dress comfortable.

Whatever he had in mind, I don't know. He was going to be here soon, I looked in the mirror one more time. I guess I looked good, there wasn't much I could do. I looked at the picture I kept of Dylan on the dresser. I never thought I was going to be able to go out on a date with another guy. Never thought I was going to find someone that was going to be able to replace Dylan, but I did.

I heard knocking, he was here and there was no backing out now. I opened the door and there was Matt, he had on black slacks, and a charcoal gray dress shirt ironed and pressed to the nine. I was feeling really underdressed in my dark blue jeans and baby yellow polo shirt. "I feel so underdressed," I blurted out. He chuckled as I started to blush. It's official, it had been way too long since I have even allowed myself to be around people.

"You're not, I think you look good and it's perfect for where we are going. If anything, I'm the one that is overdressed. Sorry I lost track of time and came straight here instead of changing. I didn't want to think I stood you up or something." He smiled at me. "I worked hard to get a date with you and I wasn't about to mess that up."

I smiled at him, "That you did, well I'm ready to go if you are." I grabbed my wallet and keys.

"Yes I am," I smiled at him. I had a feeling this was going to be a fun night, something I needed for the longest time in the last ten years. He drive us to the restaurant, "So I hope you like seafood. My nephew recommended the place, so if you don't like seafood, I can get mad at my nephew."

"You make it seem like you haven't been on a date?"

"Well I have to be honest with you," Matt said as he drove into the parking lot. "It has been a really long time since I have been on a date, so forgive me if this evening turns out terrible." I chuckled.

"Well it's my first date in a while too, so I have very low expectations." Matt opened the restaurant door for me.

"No way, I don't believe that, come on you. I'm pretty sure you have guys all over you." I shook my head, "Wow that is like unbelievable."

"Well what about you, what's your excuse for not being on so many dates?" he cleared his throat as he pulled out my chair.

"My job is the main cause of it," he sat down across from me. He grabbed the menus and handed me one

"So what do you do?" he chuckled as he looked at the menu.

"Is it really important what I do?"

"Well if it's the reason you don't date often, then yes."

"Well I work and travel a lot, main reason I don't date a lot. Hard to do when you're not in one place for a long time."

"Well yeah that's true," I was going to ask him more about this job of his, but our waitress come to our table.

"Hi, I'm Stacy and I'll be your waitress for the evening. What can I start you two off with to drink?"

"Um let's see I'll have an iced tea and he will have?" He looked at me.

"I'll have the same."

"Ok any appetizers?"

"Sure let's see what there is," Matt said as he looked at the menu again. "See anything you would like?" I opened my menu and looked at it, as soon as my eyes saw the prices, I thought there were going to pop out. Everything was so expensive and I didn't want Matt to spend so much money.

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