A Starry Night

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Chapter Eleven (Matt’s POV)

I was out wash Craig’s truck for my date with Raul tonight. Now that he knew how I felt about him, he had stopped asking about what I did for a living. A part of me felt bad about that, I know the longer I put it off, the harder it’s going to be.

I was thinking of telling him soon, I just was trying to think of how or where I should tell him. It all depended on how he reacted to it, if he was okay with it, I was going to stay in the Corp until the end of my term. However if he wasn’t, I would tell them I want out.

The kids ran around squirting each other with water guns, Jesse watched them, this is how he spent his summers off from school. He babysits all the kids, but he never once complained about it, he loved kids and kids loved him.

I finished rinsing the truck and reach for the towel to dry and clean the windows, I was going to let the rest air dry. “What did you have to do to get my dad to let you use his truck?” Jesse asked.

“When I get married he gets to be my best man and he can say whatever he wants for the best man toast.”

“Wow, his my dad and I wouldn’t even allow him to say much at my wedding. Hope whatever you have plan for this date is worth it.”

“Oh trust me it is, going to be very romantic and cheap.”


“I have found out Raul feels uncomfortable about someone wasting money on him. So I have been coming up with date ideas that don’t waste much money.”

“Ah now I see why you were so okay with watching the kids the other night.” I chuckled. “Well the kids seem to like him, especially Hailey.”

“Hopefully everything works out for me and him, I real do see myself with him, married and starting a family.”

“Yeah because you aren’t getting any younger.” I threw the towel at him and it hit him in the face. He laughed and threw it back at me. “I’m just kidding, don’t take it to the heart old man.”

“Ah yes you remind me every day your just like your dad, I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I wonder how Adrian can put up with you.”

“Easy he has too, it was in our vows and plus who else is he going to find that is going to wait on him hand and foot?” I shrugged, “Exactly.”

“So I think I have decided to tell Raul about me being in the Marine Corp.” I said as I sat down next to Jesse and Maddie on the blanket he had spread out. She was playing with blocks.  

“Wow it’s about time, so what made you finally decide?”

“I told him I loved him last night,” I smiled.

“Wow already using the L word, did he tell you?”

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