Not Right

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Chapter Sixteen (Matt’s POV)

I wasn’t in the mood to go out, but I wasn’t about to disappoint my niece and nephew. Plus Jesse seemed to think getting out will do me some good that I need to stop walling in self-pity.

I know he was right, but I really didn’t think I was going to be any fun for them to see me moping around. I just wanted to mope around until I could go talk to Raul. It just didn’t feel right that we weren’t together, I know we are meant to be together. I just need Raul to see that.

I walked up to their apartment with Maddie’s stroller they had left at the house. I knocked on the door and waited for one of them to answer the door. “Hey Adrian,” I hugged him before I walked inside. “Did you two lose a stroller?”   

“Yes and Jesse has been looking everywhere for it, he scared of my mom and she told him not to lose the stroller.” I chuckled as we sat down on the couch.

“Oh thank god you have it, I thought I had lost it.” Jesse said as he came back into the living room.

“I wasn’t aware you were so scared of your mother-in-law, here I thought it was the father-in-law every guy was scared of.” I said as Adrian snickered.

“I’m not scared of my mother-in-law,” Jesse said as he joined us in the living room. “Uncle Matt thank you, you’re a lifesaver. Where was it?”

“In your parent’s garage, they said you left it there to make more room in the trunk.”

            “Oh yeah that’s right, I forgot about that.” Jesse said as he smacked his forehead. “So then are we ready to go?”

            “Just need the kids and we can be on our way.” Adrian said, “I’ll go get them, just make sure we have everything we need.”

“Anything you need me to grab?”

“Nope unless you want to go ahead and put Maddie’s diaper bag and stroller in the car. We will meet you there with the kids.” Jesse said.

“Sure I’ll wait for you all by the car.” I grabbed the diaper bag and stroller.


The kids had fun at Chuck e Cheese, it was the first time they have ever been there. It was nice to watch them have fun, it also gave Jesse and I to act like kids. It helped take my mind off my situation with Raul. I hate to admit he was right about me needing to get out. I was able to get enough tickets to get all the kids a stuffed animal of their choice.

It was nice to see them smile and have fun that was another first for them. Jesse and Adrian had a lot of work ahead of them, they missed out a lot of their childhood. However I know they were going to give them the best they could. It made me sad that, Peter and Hailey were really getting attached to me, it was going to be worse when I leaves. That’s if I leave, that all depended if Raul took me back. He took me back I would leave the Marines, I would do anything to have him back.

“Okay you two what snacks do you want for the movie?” Jesse asked as they looked at everything there was to eat, this was going to be the first time they have ever been to a movie. It was nice that it was going to be all our kids first time to the movies.

            “Popcorn and a slushy,” Hailey said. “Can I mix the blue and red one together?”

“Yes you can and Peter what about you?” Peter’s eyes scanned over all the candies that was another thing we learned about them. They had never had much food or had they ever had candy either.

            “Can I have a soda and sour patch kids?” Peter asked.

            “Is that all you two want?” Jesse asked them, they nodded their heads. “What about you baby,” he asked Adrian. I looked around at the crowd theater and my eyes landed on a couple.

“Popcorn and a soda too, what about you Matt?” Adrian asked me, but I was too busy looking at the two guys two lines away from us. I felt like someone just plunged a knife into my heart. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

It was Raul and he was with that douche bag doctor. By the way he was all over him, it was safe to assume they were on a date. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, he had told me he wasn’t ready to date and here he was on a date with that asshole doctor.

“Matt,” Jesse said as my eyes locked with Raul’s. His eyes grew wide, it was safe to say he was just as shocked as I was.

“I don’t feel good right now, I think I’m just going to take a cab back to the house.” I said as my eyes watered, it was taking everything I had to keep them from spilling out. I looked back at Jesse and he know what was going on.

“Okay,” he said before I looked back at Raul and walked out of the theater. I had to get away from there, if I stayed then I don’t know what I would have done. It just wasn’t making sense to me, I just don’t understand why he lied to me about the reason he broke up with me.

I still couldn’t wrap my mind around why Raul just broke up with me. ‘I’m sorry Matt I thought I was ready to start dating, but I’m not. I’m so, so, so sorry….’ That’s all I could think about, I thought things were going great. I just didn’t understand it and it broke my heart even more.

That’s what hurt more was that he lied to me. Seeing him with that asshole doctor just made me sick. The way he hung all over Raul, made my blood boil. I felt so betrayed I loved Raul so much and to see that just hurt me so deeply.

The cab ride back was hell, I just wanted to scream, hit anything just so I could stop this pain I felt in my heart. I just wanted this to be a terrible dream, I just didn’t want to believe Raul would lie to me like that.

The cab stopped in front of the house, I paid the driver and took my time walking to the front door. I didn’t want to face anyone right now, I just wanted to be left alone. This sucked, everything about this sucked and it just made me think about my choice of staying in the Marines.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed, “This corporal Matthew F. Logan. Yes I have made my choice about my service to the Marine corp.” I listened to what they told me, they asked me if I was sure about my decision. I was sure, it’s what I need to do. “Yes sir, I’ll be there first thing Monday morning.”    

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