Things We Can't Change

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Chapter Nine (Matt’s POV)


            I was going to go spend the day with Jesse and the kids, after my required therapy session. I had the choice of see one of the military’s appointed therapist or picking one myself. Since my sister-in-law was one and I thought it would be easier to talk to her then a stranger.


            I walked into her office, it was early and nobody was there but Rick their assistant. “Good morning Matt, she’s waiting for you in her office.”

            “Morning Rick and thanks,” I opened the double doors that lead to Emily and Adrian’s office. I walked to Adrian’s office first, he was on the phone. It sounded like he was talking to Jesse, ever since they adopted Peter and Hailey. He has made it a habit of calling to see how they are doing.

            “Hey Adrian,” I said as I stopped by his door.


        “Hey Matt,” he told Jesse goodbye. “So I hear you and Jesse have a fun filled day planned for the kids.”  

        “Yes and don’t worry we will take plenty of pictures for you.”

        “Yes you better; I want proof that Peter and Hailey had fun today. It’s time they started to feel like real kids and have fun.”

        “Of course they will, they have their Uncle Matt here to show them to have fun.” Adrian chuckled.

        “What do you have planned for them?”

        “We are going to take them to your in-laws place, where I have set up an awesome homemade waterpark. There will be water balloon and water gun fights, slip n’ slides and we even set up a pool for them. Not too deep for them and of course they will have all the hamburgers and hot dogs they can eat.”

        “Sounds like fun, plus Jesse just told me that Eric, Kaylie and Wendy will also be there.”

        “Yes he had called me this morning to tell me, so yeah it’s going to be fun and you know how we never pass up the chance to act like kids.”

        “Nope you two don’t, but that is what makes kids love you two.” He smiled at me, they had the perfect life together. It wasn’t money that made their life great, it was the love they had for each other and for their kids. No kind of money could ever buy that kind of happiness, they had it all and that is what I was hoping to have with Raul if things continued to go great.

        I looked at the clock on his wall, crap I was late. “Okay I better go, I’m already late and knowing your mother-in-law she is going to give me crap about being late, talk to you later.”

        “Yeah you better,” I walked to Emily’s office and knocked on the door, she looked up from her computer as I walked inside. Ten minutes late, that had to be a new record now.

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