You Left Me

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Matt (uncle Matt for those who read It's a Beautiful Life) on the side! ------------>

Chapter Three

I was starting to drag as the day went on, I still had a while to go and I felt so drained. I should have just requested today off. Leave it up to fate to make this day the slowest I have ever seen in the ER. The one day I really needed to keep busy and try to not think about Dylan, only gave me the time to think of him.


“Baby look,” I turn to see him wearing a pair of pink sunglasses and a hot pink fedora. I laughed, this is what he was doing to cheer me up. We just got the news he was deploying next month and I wasn’t taking the news so well. “Excuse me beautiful, I’m a little lost do you mind helping me?” he said in a cheesy accent. He gave me his goofy smile, the smile I have grown to love and I was going to miss when he is gone.

“I don’t know, it depends on where you need to go.” I said as I took off his hat and put it on my head. “By the way hot pink isn’t really your color.” He chuckled.

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and leaned in closer, “How about back to your place beautiful?” I took off his sunglasses and he winked at me.

“Hmm I don’t know, what would my fiancé say about me taking another man home?”

“Oh I’m sure he isn’t anything I can’t handle.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, he is a marine and you know they are trained to kill with their bare hands.”

“I’m willing to risk it, especially for someone as beautiful as you.” He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips, I was going to miss his lips against mine once he left. I was going to miss a lot of things.

All day I was plagued with memories of Dylan, it was making it harder not to break down. I need a distraction, anything to get my mind off of him. I would take any kind of distraction from my memories of Dylan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

I could always make small talk with the other nurses, but it always leads to why don’t I date or why don’t I give Dr. Hudson a chance. There were always the interns, at least with them I would have to worry about them asking about my personal live.

I could always go see Janice again, even though she was asking me about my life. Then again she was a teenage girl and all I had to do was ask her about her life and she would forget all about mine. Or I could just wonder around until they needed me, but I will risk the chance of running into Dr. Hudson. I already had seen enough of him today.

“Hey Raul!” I turned to see who was calling me, it was Jake an intern. I stopped and waited for him to catch up with me. “I need your help, this guy just came in with a gash on his forehead and he needs stitches.”

“Where Tammy, I thought she got stiches down?” He looked at the floor and rolled back on the ball of his heels. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what he was going to say. Especially if he had come to me instead of one of the attendees.

“Well she was going to do it, but when she saw the blood she fainted. So right now she is in a chair in the exam room.” I shook my head, I don’t know how these kids were going to make it as doctors if they couldn’t handle blood.

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