Waiting on Forever

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Picture on side Shaun Hudson---------------->

Chapter Two

      I was so annoyed, and angry that Isaac was trying to tell me what I need to do with my life. What gave him the right to butt into my life? Just thinking about what he said had me feeling so drained and it was only the start of my twelve hour shift. If Isaac was only going to tell me that I need to move on every time he saw me, then I was going to ignore him.

       I didn’t need him meddling in my life anyway, I didn’t need anyone telling me what to do with my life. It was my choice to stay alone, it was my choice to hold onto Dylan because one day I will be with him again. When that happens I didn’t want him to feel betrayed that I moved on.

       I walked into the hospital, hopefully it was going to be a busy day and it was going to keep me busy. I just need something to occupy my mind until I got off. Then spend some time with Dylan since Isaac ruined it this morning.

       “Hey Raul,” Abby said as she finished typing up her paperwork. From the stack of her paperwork, it looked like she had a rough night.

        “Hey Abby how was last night?” I asked as I started looking through all the patient charts to see which ones I needed to check up on.

        “Oh let me tell you, I don’t know what it is about people getting hurt at night. Then to top it off, it’s like the most unusual accidents. You know you get to thinking, what are these people thinking.” She said as she shook her head. “Let me tell you about this one guy that came in.”

         “Ok before you start, how old was the guy?”

      “Grown man in his late thirties, well anyway he comes in last night around like two in the morning. Bleeding from a huge gash on his forehead and to top it off he was totally drunk. His friends weren’t any better, it was like we had an ER full of ten year olds and you won’t believe how he got that gash. Just like take a wild guess.”

        “Ok lets see, totally drunk I would have to say it was some kind of a dare.”

         “Yes they dare him that he couldn’t smash a beer can with his head.” I cringed, “Yeah he didn’t succeeded, and all he managed to get was deep gash and a scar for life.”

         “Oh god that is horrible, yup the weird ones always come out at night, thank god I don’t have to deal with that anymore.” I only had two patients I needed to check up on and put their charts to the side.

        “Yeah how did you get so lucky to get out of the nightshift?” She knew and I was pretty sure everyone knew how I got switched to the morning shift.

         “Years of hard work,” she rolled her eyes.

         “Bullshit we all know Dr. Hotness helped you get the morning shift. All because you kept giving him that sad excuse that you work nights and can’t go out on a date.” I glared at her.

        “It’s Dr. Hudson and no he didn’t.” It annoyed me that she was right about that, I had kept turning him down and used the excuse of working nights. Then he talked to the hospital administrator if he could somehow switch me over to the morning shift. I liked the morning but it also made me not well liked by most of the other nurses.

       It’s been a month since I got switched over and I was still turning him down. I had hoped that he would get the clue I wasn’t interested, but it only made him try even harder. The man was persistent, most would find it enduring, I found it annoying and I wished he would just give up.

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