Chapter 1

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Remma Raymond
"Emma? Are you okay?" he asked. I shrugged, my eyes still wide.

"Where's my brother? Where's Ronnie?" I asked frantically. Adrenaline was pumping through me. Barry's face went from frantic to sorrow. I shook my head. "No," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Emma. I tried to save him, I did." I shook my head again and started sobbing. The last real conversation we had was months ago and it was an argument. I was supposed to get to say goodbye this time. Barry wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed, and people came out of the lobby to watch. He was in his Flash suit, mask on and everything. People were wondering why he was hugging a girl as she sobbed. I could read their minds.

"I never got to say goodbye," I whispered. Barry picked me up and sped me to my apartment only a few blocks away and set me down on my bed. He left to make sure that everyone else was okay and probably help other people in the city. Ronnie was gone. And I was never getting him back.

My alarm went off just as I shot up in bed, sweat coating my skin. My room was a mess and I needed to clean it. Clothes, clean and dirty, were strewn everywhere along with shoes. I sighed and glanced at my phone. Three missed calls from Caitlin and one from Cisco. Barry hasn't reached out to me, giving me my space. This was the second time I've lost my brother. And this time it's real. I pulled back the covers and hopped out of bed, walking slowly towards the connecting bathroom. I turned on the water, letting it heat up as I checked everything on my phone. I saw a bunch of articles on the News App about businesses getting rebuilt at night. Barry's been busy.

Once the mirror was fogged up and I couldn't see my reflection, I stripped out of my pajamas and stepped into the shower.

I still have a few millions dollars left over from my past. The apartment wasn't as expensive as you would think it is. Everyone just thinks it's very expensive.

I hummed along to Landfill by Daughter as I washed my hair. "Throw me in the landfill. Don't think about the consequences," I muttered along as I rinsed out the shampoo before squirting some conditioner on my hand. Suddenly the music was cut off as the ringtone on my phone went off. I opened the shower curtain with my free hand and glanced at it.

Caitlin Raymond

I let it go to voicemail. I kept my last name in their since she was technically married to Ronnie. My sister-in-law. I like that.

"Emma?" I jumped and spun around, brush in hand. I saw the familiar brown hair that belong to Barry. I sighed with relief when I realized it wasn't an intruder. But my face burned bright red when I realized I was only in a towel. "Can we talk?" I looked down at the towel and raised an eyebrow. He quickly turned around, face crimson. "After you get dressed. Sorry." I nodded and walked into my room to grab my clothes before changing into them in the bathroom. I quickly put my hair up in a ponytail and walked back out into the bedroom where Barry was, sitting on my bed. "So how have you been?" I shrugged.

"Surviving. You?" He shrugged this time, looking around. I started to pick up the clothes, embarrassed by the mess.

"Surviving." I nodded and we stayed in the room in silence for a few minutes, Barry helping clean up using his speed. Soon it was all done.

"Uh, thanks. Anyways, you said that you came here to talk?" He nodded and ran a hand in his hair.

"I was wondering if you've talked to Caitlin at all. I can't get a hold of her," he said. I shook my head.

"I always miss her calls. She just called while I was in the shower actually. I can call her back in you want," I replied in a monotone. Barry shook his head.

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