Chapter 6

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Remma Raymond

"Next," the Barista behind the counter called out. I walked up to her and told her my order before paying. After receiving my receipt and change, I walked off to the side to wait. On my way to grab some sugar for my coffee someone bumped into me, spilling their scalding hot coffee all over me. "Watch it!" My eyes widened. "How the hell are you alive?" I whispered. He raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"You died. Barry told me that you were erased from existence," I explained. I opened my mouth to say something else when a Barista called my name.

"Remma Raymond, coffee." The man smiled down at me.

"Remma Raymond. What a lovely name. I know someone by that first name," he told me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"There's like a one in a million chance anyone else would have my name." He shook his head.

"Oh. No. She's not from here. She lives...far away. I believe your coffee's getting cold, Ms. Raymond. Have a good day," he told me. I nodded and grabbed my coffee before hurrying out of Jitters and to my apartment to shower and change.

"You said you'd be here at seven," Jay told me. I nodded, running into the man still flooding my mind.

"I know and I'm sorry, Jay. Someone spilled coffee on me at Jitters. It was weird, though. The man who spilled it on me...he's dead on this Earth. Do you think he's from Earth-2?" Jay nodded.

"There's a chance, yes. Zoom has been sending metas from my Earth to yours to try and kill Barry. But I feel like you already know that. What happened?"

"When the Barista called out my name, he complimented it. Said he knew a Remma Raymond who lives far away. And he was...nice to me. Jay, who knows Remma's identity on Earth-2?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I do. I've had to work with her a few times. Um, maybe a few close friends. She doesn't have any family left. Her parents died when she was a child and her brother died the night of the Particle Accelerator on my Earth. Maybe that man knows her. Who is he?" Jay explained. I sighed.

"Harrison Wells." Jay's eyes widened. "I thought you'd react like that," I muttered.

"Why would he be on this Earth? Zoom wouldn't have sent him. Zoom hates him. Zoom hates everyone." I threw the empty cup of coffee in the trash and nodded.

"I know that, Jay." I snapped. "From what you've told me, Zoom is a cold blooded killer who gets rid of anyone that's in his way. What I'm confused about is why the hell he doesn't go after Barry right now and by himself. Why is he sending all of these metahumans through the breaches?" I shut up as everyone else started to pile into the Cortex. I took my place at the computers and started to run facial recognition on Harrison Wells from Earth-2.

As I walked home I could sense someone staring at me. I shaved my hands in my jeans pockets and kept walking. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder and I spun around, ready to punch them in the face. But seeing that face again made me hesitate and bring my hand down to my side. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"I mean you no harm, Remma. I just want to talk," Harrison told me. I looked around us and saw no one else on the streets. I nodded towards Jitters across the streets.

"Why are you following me?" I asked. He sighed.

"I think you could help me, Remma. Help me get my daughter back." I raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Garrick has told you about Zoom, I presume." I nodded. "Zoom took Jesse. My daughter. On my Earth Remma Raymond was best friends with Jesse. Remma was with Jesse when Zoom took her. I think you could trick Zoom." I shook my head.

"Uh-uh. Nope! Zoom is already trying to harm my boyfriend and I've never even seen the Speedster. I am not the Remma Raymond who knows your daughter. And to be honest, I don't want to help you. As far as I know, Harrison Wells from this Earth is responsible for my brother's death. Just looking at you brings back the memory of him being gone." I went to stand up and leave when Harrison grabbed my arm.

"Remma, please. I know that on my Earth your brother died in a similar accident. But please help me find my daughter. I don't beg and I don't plead. I seriously need your help if I'm doing exactly that," he begged. I sighed and shook my head, snatching back my arm.

"Stop following me, Harrison Wells, or I'll make sure Zoom keeps your daughter."

"I know you can't handle your powers right now," he called out. I stopped and turned around, staring at him.

"How do you know that?" I sneered. He smirked.

"Like you said: I've been following you. And we both know that calling the cops would be a bust because apparently I'm dead on this Earth. So if you help me get back my daughter then I'll help you with your powers. Do we have a deal?" Harrison said. I shook my head.

"I don't want to be more involved than I already am."

"You're as involved as you can get! You're dating The Flash and you love him! You're a vigilante in this city!" he yelled. I was just glad that the only working employee was out in the alleyway smoking a cigarette and not doing her job. "You're the Red Warrior! There's no getting out of this!"

"Fine. I'll help you. But only so you'll stop being an asshole and a stalker. But don't you dare try and make this backfire. You will regret it," I snarled before storming out of Jitters and to my apartment.

I set my keys on the kitchen counter before storming into my room. I stopped dead in my tracks, noticing something moving out on the fire escape. I walked out towards it and looked out my window. Why is it open? I keep every window in my apartment locked. I looked down on the window sill and saw a picture of Barry, Ronnie, and I. When I glanced back up I saw a man in a black suit. My eyes widened. "Hello, Remma Raymond."

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