Chapter 14

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Remma Raymond

"What was that that I just witnessed?" Amelia and I exchanged glances. "Ms. Baker, you are aware that I can fire you, right?" Amelia nodded. "Good. You're fired." Her eyes widened and I smirked.

"But, Ms. Grant-" Cat Grant held her hand up.

"Pack up your desk and leave before I call security on you." Amelia glared at me.

"This isn't over, Raymond." I chuckled.

"It actually is." I took a step towards her and whispered in her ear, "Watch your back, Amelia. I'm not that scared little teenage girl anymore. I will snap your neck without a second thought, and not even Barry can stop me." Her face went pale before she rushed out of the office. I smirked, my arms crossed over my chest as I watched her.

"Who are you?" I looked back to Cat Grant.

"Oh. I'm no one, really. I should actually be going." I spun around to leave when Barry grabbed my arm.

"Remma, listen to her." I sighed before turning back to face Ms. Grant. "Sorry about Remma. She's a stubborn one," Barry said with a chuckle. She forced a smile on her face.

"Remma, huh? Tell me. What exactly was going on between you and Amelia?" I cleared my throat.

"It's hard to explain. But I have my reasons." I saw Kara walk in.

"Kira, can't you see I'm busy?" Cat snapped. Kara nodded. Winn and Jimmy walked in, and Cat eyed us. "All five of you standing there doing nothing. You look like the attractive yet non-threatening, racially diverse case of a CW show. Who are you?" she asked Barry and I.

"My cousins," Winn, Kara, and Jimmy chorused. I sighed. Oh my god. Cat Grant raised an eyebrow.

"What they mean," Barry started, "is that we're all such great friends it's almost like we're cousins." Nice save. I stomped on his foot. "Except for Remma. She's my girlfriend." I smiled. Cat nodded.

"What the fuck is the CW?" I asked Barry as we walked out of the building. He shrugged.

"Beats me."

"It's a TV channel," Winn said. I nodded.

"Guess we don't have that on our Earth. I-" I was pushed to the ground. I looked up and saw a group of teenagers staring down at me, mouths gaped.

"Oh my god. Please don't kill us," a girl begged. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I kill you?" I questioned as Winn helped me up. Again. They all exchanged glances.

"Aren't you-" The girl nudged her friend in the side. "Nevermind. We're very sorry. We better be going." They all scurried past us, the five of us staring at us in confusion. Jimmy laughed.

"What?" Barry asked.

"Remma, you're the doppelganger of a villain Superman defeated in Metropolis." I groaned. "Don't worry. It's not well know. But I'm guessing those kids are from there." I nodded and we continued to walk. Barry wrapped an arm around my shoulders and smiled down at me.

"Do you think we're ever going to get home?" I whispered. He nodded.

"Of course we are. We always find a way." I nodded. "Hey, don't worry. We're going to get home. I promise."

A day later I found myself standing in a park with Flash and Supergirl, Jimmy and Winn watching from the sidelines. Livewire and Silver Banshee stood in front of Cat. They wanted to kill her because she screwed them over. Not surprising. "Hey Sparky! Shrieky! Hi. What do you say we step away from the nice lady and settle this like women?" Kara and I stared at Barry in confusion. "What? There's more of you guys here than me." I snickered. He's right. Silver Banshee screamed, but none of us were phased. Thank you, earplugs.

Next thing I knew Livewire was on the top of a building nearby. Barry went to chase after her while Kara and I dealt with Silver Banshee. "Who are you?" Silver Banshee asked me. "I didn't see you at the warehouse with Superfreak and that red piece of trash." I scowled.

"What'd you just call him?" I growled, making her smirk.

"So you do have a close relationship with him. What is he? Your brother? Your husband? Your boyfriend?" I didn't reply. "He's your boyfriend. Well, you're not going to have him for long. Livewire is taking care of him as we speak." I looked to the building and saw that Barry was nowhere to be found.

"Don't listen to her, Red Warrior," Cat said. I never thought I'd see her so helpless.

"Shut up!" Silver Banshee snapped. Kara sped over to Cat, uncuffing her from the bench, only to be knocked to the ground by SIlver Banshee.

"Hey, Shrieky!" I yelled. She spun around and looked at me. "Don't touch my friends," I said before running towards her and tackling her to the ground.

"Red, move!" Kara yelled as she hurled a piece of sidewalk at Silver Banshee. I was ready to phase through it when she disintegrated the piece of concrete with a scream. Why do the villains always get the fun powers? Livewire appeared next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. She smirked at a helicopter above us, shooting a blast of electricity at it. Kara flew up and absorbed the electricity before falling to the ground.

"No!" I yelled. Livewire and Silver Banshee started to walk towards Kara when all of the surrounding citizens formed a wall around her, protecting her. She risked her life for them. I had learned of the incident from a week or two ago.

"You're all stupid to protect her," Livewire spat. I stepped in front of all the citizens. "Especially you. You're not even from here." I shrugged.

"I protect my friends." Livewire nodded.

"Very well then." I saw her forming the energy to blast the crowd when she was suddenly blasted with water, sending her flying to the ground. Her blast knocked out Silver Banshee. I looked over and saw the Fire Department standing there, hose in hand. Kara got up, making her way through the crowd to stand next to me.

"We're just returning the favor," the Fire Department explained. Kara smiled.

"Thank you." They nodded. Suddenly Barry sped over.

"What'd I miss?" I chuckled, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Nothing us girls couldn't take care of. Right, Supergirl?" Kara nodded. "Now that we've defeated those bitches, what do you say we find a way home?" I suggested. Barry grinned.

"Sounds like a plan."

We stood there in the desert where we met Kara, waiting for her to meet us here. "So if we combine mine and Kara's speed, she can throw us into the portal that should form," Barry explained. I nodded.

"And if it doesn't form?" I asked.

"Then you're in real pain and I'll heal quickly." I glared at him. "But I'll take care of you." I shook my head.

"Sorry I'm late. By the way, Ms. Grant knows your guys' identities," Kara said. I exchanged glances with Barry.

"Then we should really be going. Barry, tell her your plan." Barry quickly explained his plan to our newfound alien friend, who agreed that it could work. I hopped on Barry's back after he got in position with Kara. "Giddy up," I whispered in his ear, making him chuckle. They both sped off before Kara hurled us through the portal. I clutched onto Barry tighter before I was sent flying to the ground. Barry had stopped and caught his balance.

"Shit. Are you alright?" he asked with a cringe. I groaned.

"Why am I always the one to get thrown to the ground," I whined, getting up. Barry laughed.

Well that was a half assed chapter

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