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Remma Raymond

A week later they let me out after I convinced them that I wouldn't do anything stupid. We just had different definitions of stupid. "Is it done?" I spun around and went to hand Zoom the vile of my blood before pulling it back towards me.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Look, Hunter. It's my blood, my powers. I can just give them back to myself if I wanted, whenever I wanted. Why do you need my blood? It won't help you track Earth-2 Remma. Our DNA and blood type are different."

"I want it as a trophy, persay." I raised an eyebrow. "To represent my defeat of the Red Warrior. It may not be the one from my Earth, but I still beat you." I scoffed.

"Whatever floats your boat. If I give you this, you have to hold up your end of the deal. If you don't I will make sure you die a slow and painful death. Better yet, I'll give you a fate worse than death. Do you understand me, Hunter Zolomon? Don't you dare underestimate me."

"Don't worry, Remma Raymond. I definitely do not underestimate you. You're a strong and smart girl. I could use a brain like yours considering Reverb, Killer Frost, and Deathstorm were stupid enough to get themselves killed. Have you said your goodbyes?" I shrugged.

"In my own ways. If they figured out what I was doing I'd be locked in that cell again." He nodded. "If we're going then let's go. They'll be here any minute since I've been in one place for a few hours." Zoom grabbed onto me and opened a breach before speeding us through. Please forgive me, Barry.

"Stay here," Zoom ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"How would I leave? I'm human."

"You're smart." I nodded. He had a point.

"Where are you going?"

"You thought your team wouldn't find out about your betrayal?" I chuckled.

"It's called a note. Who will they believe more? Me or you? Barry knows why I did this." And they have a plan to stop him, with or without me. He just sped away, leaving me in his lair.

"You're crazy." I gasped and jumped up in a fighting position, looking around. Suddenly my doppelganger stepped out of the shadows. "You're working with him."

"I'm saving my team, I'm not working with Hunter. I'm not that stupid. Besides, they have a plan." She studied me, shaking her head and chuckling. I just smirked.

"You didn't give him your powers," she said in realization. "That wasn't your blood."

"Actually it is my blood. Just my blood from after I took the antidote. The blood with my powers is back at STAR Labs. It won't give me back my powers unless there's another Particle Accelerator Explosion, but I'm okay with that," I explained.

"How could you just give up your powers without a second thought? That's what makes you you."

"No, Emma, it's not. I'm me because of my personality. I was never happy with my powers. For two years now I've been searching for a way to get rid of them. Now I did."

"You're defenseless." She studied me. "You don't seem to worried about that for living in a city full of metas."

"Because I don't live in a city full of Metas anymore. I got an apartment in Star City. I was thinking of going to Coast City or Keystone but I figured I still needed a part of my life with me and Star City just seems like the place for me. With my records erased, I got a job. A good one. I'll be happy."

Phasing Through Walls [2] (A Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now