Chapter 12

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Remma Raymond
I woke up with an arm draped over my waist, holding me down on the bed. My blue eyes fluttered open and I was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Barry. "You can stop staring at me, Rem," he muttered before opening his green eyes. We had the day off, all of us needing a break from what we had just gone through. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, making him smile. "I love you," he said. I grinned.

"I love you, too." He kissed me again and soon our lips were moving in perfect sync. He pulled me on top of him, making me giggle before kissing him again as I straddled his waist. My hands roamed Barry's chest as he rested his hands on my hips.

"I like happy you," he muttered against my lips, making me chuckle.

"Ditto," I agreed. I rolled off of him, snuggling into his side and resting my head on his arm that laid across the pillows. "So what do you want to do on our day off?" He shrugged.

"What do you want to do?" I shrugged this time. "Movie? Coffee? Walk in the park?"

"Coffee?" I suggested. He nodded. "I'll go get ready and then we can leave."

We walked into Jitters and headed straight for a table. Barry stared at me, smiling. "What?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing." I chuckled. When the door chimed I looked up out of habit, but quickly regretted it. My eyes widened in shock. "What's wrong?" Barry questioned. He turned around in his seat to see what I was looking at. The man turned around and ended up making eye contact with me, so he walked over to us. "Hey, Wally," Barry greeted. Wally nodded to Barry as a greeting before looking to me.

"Emma," he whispered. My hand was shaking so I put it down flat on the table and forced a smile on my face.

"Wally, hi. How are you?" I asked my ex-boyfriend. Barry's eyes widened.

"Wait. By Wally you meant-" I nodded. "This is awkward," Barry muttered.

"How do you know him?" I asked Barry. He scratched the back of his head.

"He may or may not be Joe's son that Francine never told him about," Barry said awkwardly. I spit my coffee back in my mug.

"I'm sorry, what?" They both nodded, and Wally slid into the seat next to Barry's.

"Yeah. Barry's been helping me with stuff for college. More like doing it for me." Wally glared at Barry who shrunk back in his seat. "How have you been?" Wally asked me. I nodded.

"Good. Yeah, I've been good." He smiled sadly.

"I heard about your brother. I'm sorry that happened to you. So how do you know Barry?" I cleared my throat.

"He, um, he's my boyfriend?" Wally's eyes widened before he nodded.

"He's a lucky guy." I nodded in agreement. There was an awkward silence before Wally spoke up again. "Joe and Iris are inviting me over for dinner tonight and I'm guessing Barry is going to be there. Do you want to come?" I looked to Barry who shrugged. "It'd just be nice to have someone there that I know," Wally added. I nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great. I'll see you there then," I told him. Wally smiled at me before getting up and walking away to order his drink. Barry stared at me in disbelief. "What?"

"Seriously? You dated Wally?" I shrugged.

"You say it like it's a bad thing," I mumbled. He nodded. "How is it a bad thing? Wally's sweet, you just have to get to know him."

"Then why'd you break up with him?" Barry snapped. I scowled.

"You know why, Barry. And then getting sent to the facility while dating a guy was not a smart move. I broke up with him right before my father sent me to the facility," I defended. Barry rolled his eyes. "Would you be upset if I just disappeared off of the face of the Earth?" He nodded.

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