Chapter 11

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Barry Allen

I felt her head get heavy on my chest, telling me that she fell asleep. "Poor girl," Jesse muttered. "She's been trying to help me get out this whole time. And if she wasn't doing that then she was missing you. All she talked about was you and how she missed it when it was just the two of you marathoning tv shows and movies while eating junk food. She really loves you, Barry."

"We haven't been dating that long," I said. Jesse shrugged.

"She still loves you, and I can see that you love her. But you also love another woman: Iris West from your Earth. She told me about her, too. She admitted that she's jealous of her, as you still have feelings for this Iris girl. If you do, you shouldn't string Remma along." I shook my head.

"I love Remma. I love Iris as a sister. Sure, I used to have a crush on her. But I love Rem." I looked down at the exhausted, sleeping blonde girl in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her snuggle closer to me. I rested my head on the top of her head, running my fingers through her hair. Her mask was discarded on the floor a few feet away from us, as were her red fingerless gloves. Jesse and I were quiet for a while and I just watched Remma sleep. Her breaths were even and consistent until she was suddenly talking in her sleep and whimpering.

"Ronnie," she whispered. "Where's Ronnie?" It was silent for a few seconds before she said, "No. He can't be dead. I never got to say goodbye. I never got to say goodbye." She kept repeating that last sentence before I woke her up.

"Remma," I whispered. I shook her a bit and saw her eyes flutter open. "Remma, what's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing. I'm fine."

"You didn't tell me you were having nightmares about the day Ronnie died," I said. She shrugged.

"It wasn't important." She yawned. "Can we talk about it when we get home? I'm still tired." I nodded and let her drift back to sleep. That is if we even make it out alive.

"Barry!" I heard Cisco call out. My eyes flew open and I lifted my head off of Remma's.

"Jesse!" Harry and Earth-2 Remma yelled at the same time, rushing over to her cell. Cisco rushed over to mine.

"You okay, man?" I nodded. He stared at Remma. "Is she okay?" I nodded again.

"Yeah. She's just tired. Jesse said she wore herself out." I shook Rem. "Rem, wake up. Cisco's here." Her eyes flew open.

"Cisco, run," she suddenly said. He stared at her in confusion before Zoom appeared out of nowhere. She could sense him? She jumped up and ran to the cell wall. "Zoom, let them go! Please, let them go!" she pleaded.

"I promised him that I would kill you in front of him, and then steal his speed and kill him. I keep my promises," he told her. Her eyes widened.

"Please, just let them go. They didn't do anything," I heard Emma say. She pulled away from hugging Jesse and Harry and walked up to Zoom. I noticed Earth-2 Barry and Iris standing there, along with Killer Frost. Killer Frost helped them?

"She played us? That is just rude," Barry said. I rolled my eyes. My doppelganger is so annoying. How does Iris put up with him? Iris nudged his side, shooting a glare at him.

"This is as far as I go," Earth-2 Remma said. Remma frowned.

"You're not coming with us? We can't just leave you here with Zoom," my girlfriend told her doppelganger. She shook her head.

"I'm the only vigilante Central City has left. I have to fight Zoom. I'll gather vigilantes from other cities to help me. But I can't leave this city defenseless against Zoom." She wrapped her arms around Rem. "I'll see you again. I promise." We all nodded. "Now go. Zoom isn't far behind. I have enough Velocity 9 left in me to get me away from here." We didn't move. "Go!" she shouted. Rem gave her one last hug before jumping on my back like how I normally carry her. I grabbed onto Cisco and sped the two of them through before coming back for Harry and Jesse. We closed the last breach before Zoom's arm reached out through the breach. He shoved his arm through Jay's chest and I heard Caitlin and Remma's cries as Zoom pulled him through.

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