Chapter 10

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Remma Raymond

"Just stop trying," Jesse said. I shook my head.

"I know I can phase out of this stupid death box. Remma told me that the different frequencies don't affect our powers," I said before trying to phase through the wall again. She only sighed. I picked up a rock next to me and screamed in frustration before throwing it at the glass. My eyes widened when I saw it go through it.

"How'd you do that?" Jesse asked. I shrugged.

"I still don't have full control over my powers. I was locked in the Pipeline for so long that I could never practice them. I guess they do work," I muttered. Her eyes widened in realization.

"It's not working because you don't believe it will! You just have to believe it'll work!" she exclaimed. I sighed and shook my head.

"It's no use." I sat down against the wall, knees up and arms resting on them. I placed my head in my hands. "That damn rock got what it wanted." The guy in the cell across from mine continued to tap against the glass. I groaned. He was really giving me a headache. "Please stop," I begged. "I'm not trying to be rude but my head just really hurts." I felt a tear slip. "I just want to see Barry again."

"The CSI?" Jesse questioned. I nodded.

"Sort of. I mean, they're both CSIs. But my Barry is The Flash on my Earth. He's also my boyfriend. I just want to marathon Netflix with him and pig out on junk food, ignoring the rest of the world. I miss him so much," I said. She frowned slightly.

"I just want to see my Emma again. She should be here by now. She always comes to the rescue," Jesse whispered. I smiled a little at her, and she smiled back before we both returned to our neutral faces.

Suddenly something grunted and I opened my eyes, lifting up my head to look next to me. I guess I had fallen asleep. What I didn't expect to see was my boyfriend next to me in the same cell. "Barry?" I muttered groggily. His eyes lit up.

"Remma? Remma, are you okay?" I nodded, still half asleep. I heard Jesse look over at us. "Emma told us what happened. Her and Cisco are finding a way to rescue the three of us." He wrapped his arms around me. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem really weak."

"She's just tired," we heard Jesse say. "She really wore herself out by trying to use her powers to get us out. She managed to make a rock phase through but that's it. I think there's just too much of her to get through that glass. She needs rest. She wasn't asleep for that long before Zoom threw you in here," Jesse explained. Barry nodded in understanding and had a quiet conversation with her while I sat in between his legs, resting my head on his chest and drifting off to sleep again.

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