Chapter 13

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Remma Raymond

"What'd you see?" Caitlin asked Cisco. He slowly turned around to face us, a horrified look on his face. I chewed on my nails, but not enough to break them.

"Jay. He's Zoom," Cisco said. We all exchanged glances. It just wasn't our day, was it? Jesse left, Trajectory ran so fast that she disappeared, and now Jay is Zoom.

"You told us we could trust him!" Barry yelled at me. I jumped from the sudden sentence and looked to Barry. "You told me we could trust him!"

"I'm sorry, Barry. I had no idea," I said. I took a step back, noticing that Barry was getting closer to me. Suddenly Barry sped out of the Cortex. "Barry!" I shouted, running to the doors. He was gone. Where the hell did he go? I looked to Caitlin.

"He's going to come around, Remma. He's just in shock. We all are," Caitlin said softly. I stormed out of the Cortex and headed towards my training room where my punching bag is. I took out all of my anger, all of my frustrations, on the punching bag. I trusted him. I believed him. I let him help me with my powers.

A few days later we had no success in finding Zoom again. He was on Earth-2 and the only person who could open a breach was Cisco, but he didn't know how. "Morning, baby," Barry said as I sat on the barstool at my counter, coffee in hand, staring at the wall. He kissed my cheek, but I felt him frown against it when I didn't move. "What's wrong?" I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at him.

"Nothing." I kissed him on the lips and he reluctantly kissed back.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. You were staring at the wall. The last time you did that-" I held up my hand.

"Barry, I'm fine. I swear. I'm ready for work. What about you?"

"Work? We don't have to go to STAR Labs today," he told me, slightly confused. I chuckled, holding up an id badge with my picture and name on it. He gasped, grinning. "You got the job."

"I got the job!" I exclaimed.

"You got the job!" He hugged me. "We're gonna be working together. This is amazing. What are we waiting for? Let's go!" He picked me up and sped us to the precinct. I laughed the whole way before he set me down in his lab. Correction: our lab. We shared the lab now.

"Hey, Bar. Singh wants the-" Joe stopped when he saw me standing there. "What are you doing here?" he hissed. I smirked, dangling my badge in front of his face.

"You like it? I love it, Joe. Guess what? You get to see me even more," I taunted. He looked to Barry who just grinned, forgetting that Joe hates me.

"You're kidding me. You aren't working here," he said. I nodded.

"I am. You can even check with Captain Singh. He offered me a job right away after seeing my test scores. Because he knew me so well he didn't even want to look at any college papers which is good I guess considering I never went. Not like I could anyways. I was being experimented on," I explained with a shrug as I handed him the papers he was asking for.

"Thank you," he said through gritted teeth. I could tell how hard it was for him to get the words out.

As he walked out I said, "Oh and Joe? Later today Wally and I are gonna catch up at your place since he's living there now. Don't start anything." Joe continued to walk out.

"Damn delinquent," he thought. I chuckled before looking to Barry.

"Hanging with Wally, huh? What exactly are you two gonna do?" Barry inquired as he straightened out his desk. I rolled my eyes.

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