Chapter 5

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Barry Allen

"When did that happen between you two?" Joe asked as we pulled away from the drive thru window at Big Belly Burger.

"Uh, just yesterday, actually. I mean she's an adult, of age, and she's changed. I think that after Ronnie actually died she opened her eyes. She took the right path and became the Red Warrior," I said. Joe sighed.

"Barry, she's 19, lives alone, and doesn't even have a job. How does she pay for her apartment?" he questioned. I shrugged.

"She told me that her dad pays for it. That it's actually not that expensive. Why?" He handed me a piece of paper. "What's this?" I asked as I looked down at it.

"A list of all of the banks and places that were robbed. Specifically, ones where a blonde girl who could phase through objects was mentioned by a witness. Meaning Emma. None of the money has been returned. That's how she pays for everything, Barry. And before you guys locked her in the Pipeline I had searched up her criminal records. They were all gone," he explained. I shook my head.

"No. They're there. When I caught her in the beginning she had a record. Are you trying to say that she hacked into the database and erased everything?" Joe nodded.

"Plus she's using the money that she stole. She's a bad influence, Bar. I don't like you dating her."

"Well it's not your life, nor your love life. I like Emma and she likes me. Plus she's already helped us. She trusts Jay and Emma doesn't trust easily. If it weren't for her we would've never gotten the information from Jay that we did. You would've put him in jail if it weren't for her."

"Damn right, I would! He can't be trusted, Barry. And neither can Emma," Joe told me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Funny you say that, Detective," Emma's voice said. Joe slammed on the breaks. I pulled out my phone and saw her face on the screen.

"Did I butt dial you?" I asked. She nodded.

"You know that what I said is true, Emma," Joe told her. She nodded.

"Yes, but did you ever think about me not being able to get a job because of my line of work? Barry can just speed out, deal with the crime, and go back to work because he has speed. I can phase through things. Not teleport. So I can't exactly make up excuses as to why I would constantly be leaving. Yes, I still have the money I stole and I cleared my name last year when I was a criminal. Oh. And you have a call you have to attend to. Mugger on third, Barry." I sped out of the car, ending the call as I did.

"How was work?" Emma asked as she let me in her apartment. She didn't make eye contact and she walked back to her kitchen, cleaning the countertop.

"We aren't doing this again. Just ignore him, Rem," I told her. She threw the sponge down on the counter and spun around to look at me.

"Barry, he really hates me. This is the second time he's tried to have you break up with me and we've only been together for a day. Even Ronnie wasn't that overprotective of me. Neither was my dad when I dated that one guy with the bastard friend." I frowned as I remembered the story she told me. I smiled again and placed my hands on her shoulders, looking her into the eyes.

"Joe is just another cock block." She cringed.

"Oh my god, why would you say that?" she whispered. I started laughing, making her smile a bit. "Fine. Fine. You win. This time." I nodded.

"This time?"


"I have a feeling there will be many more wins for me," I told her, stepping closer.

"And why do you say that?"

"Because I'm better and older." I planted my lips on hers.

"I think the younger one is alway better," she muttered against my lips. I smiled.

"We'll see about that." She raised an eyebrow.

"Is that challenge, Allen?"


"Oh. It's on, Barry."

I woke up to a bright light entering through the windows. I groaned and rolled over to look at my alarm clock. It was seven in the morning. "Barry!" Joe shouted from downstairs. I groaned.

"Morning," I greeted as I waltzed into the Cortex an hour later.

"You're late," Remma told me. "Barry, how are you always late when you have superspeed?" I shrugged.

"I guess the super tardiness makes up for it," I joked. She rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the computer monitor in front of her. "Someone's grouchy," I muttered.

"Yes, I am, because someone spilled fucking coffee on me this morning at Jitters. I was later here because I had to re-shower and change. I still smell like coffee and it's disgusting," she grumbled. I chuckled and kissed her forehead before wrinkling my nose.

"Ew. You do. And it smells really bad."

"Gee, thanks. I had no idea." Cisco placed a hand on my shoulder as he walked past me.

"Good luck with that one," he mumbled. Remma picked up a pen and threw at the back of his head. "Ow!" he yelped. Caitlin laughed before running more tests on Jay.

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