Chapter 4

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Remma Raymond

"No! You're a fucking idiot!" I yelled, throwing popcorn at the screen. Except it didn't fall to the floor. It went through the screen. I choked on the popcorn that was in my mouth as I stared at it with wide eyes. I got up and looked behind the flatscreen TV. And sure enough, the popcorn was on the floor. What the hell? It's only if I'm touching it while I phase. Not make it phase after I touch it. I grabbed more popcorn and threw it up in the air, only to see it fall through the floor. Well, that's going to be hard to explain to the person below me. Raining popcorn. Huh. Doesn't sound that bad. Suddenly there was a knock on my door and I spun around. I was only in my boy short underwear and a tank top, no bra.

"Remma, I know you're in there," Barry called out. I didn't have time to change. Well, you know what they say: YOLO. I sucked in a sharp breath before opening the door. He walked in but when he saw me he quickly shut the door and turned around. "Where are your pants?"

"I wasn't expecting company. And you've seen me like half naked before, Barry. And in a towel. What's the difference?" I questioned as I pulled on a pair of shorts that was in the hallway for some reason. I pulled on a sweatshirt before saying he could turn around. "Whatcha need?"

"Um,  I came to talk to you. I'm sorry about what I said when you were walking out. I-" He stared behind my TV. "Why is there popcorn behind your TV?" I chuckled.

"About that. I may need your guys' help with something tomorrow. I threw popcorn, like the idiot that I am, and then it went through the TV. Like I affected it somehow. So I tested it again and it kind of went through the floor to the apartment below me. That...should be interesting," I explained. He nodded, processing all of the information.

"Okay. Yeah. That's weird. Anyways, I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier. I don't know why I said it." I nodded.

"It's okay. I embarrassed you in front of someone you don't even know, who you probably locked in the Pipeline knowing you guys." I glared at him, making him smile sheepishly. "But you can trust Jay. I don't trust easily but for some reason I trust him. I trust what he says. I-" I was cut off by Barry planting his lips on mine. I pushed him away.

"Barry, I-" He kissed me again, and I accepted it for some reason. I kissed him back as our lips moved in sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his slid around my waist. We stayed like that for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. And for some reason the memories of that day in the alley didn't come back when I was kissing Barry Allen. Barry pulled away first.



"Will you go out with me? Again? Like try this time?" he asked. I nodded and grinned, biting my lip. "Yes?" I laughed.

"Yes." Barry kissed my again and I ended up laying down on the couch. It was only a makeout session, nothing more. Sure, we were both missing an article or two of clothing, but it never went any farther.

"I hate saying this, but I need your help," I said as I walked in the Cortex, immediately grabbing something random off of a table.

Caitlin stared at me in confusion while Cisco said, "Oh, I see how it is. You don't want to help us but when you need help we have to help you." I turned and glared the childish adult.

"No," I said sternly. Barry had an amused smile on his face. "I want to continue to work alone. I don't know. I'm thinking about it. My problem is one that could cause bad things to happen if I don't learn to control it." Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? I don't-" She shut up when the paper that was once in my hand fell through the floor. Her eyes widened.

"You see why I'm scared now? If I touch it, it'll go through the next thing it touches. Imagine if like a bank robber got that and every time I touched them, they were able to get away. Crime would go up, not down. What do I do?" I looked to Cisco, who looked to Caitlin, who looked to Barry. Barry looked at me.

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