Chapter 8

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Remma Raymond

I stepped aside so the woman could come in. She removed her mask and my eyes widened. She was me. She was my doppelganger. "How are you here? You're from Earth-2," I said. She nodded.

"And so is Jay and Harrison Wells. It was hard tracking you down, by the way. Nice job with staying on the down low." For some reason I felt myself smile. It seems I was doing something right. "But I kind of threatened The Flash for your address." Jay rolled his eyes.

"It's not the first time," he grumbled. My doppelganger glared at him before looking back to me.

"Zoom's here on this Earth, correct?" We both nodded. I glanced at my bathroom through the doorway, cringing. "I'll help you clean that up later. And get you new lipstick. It is my fault that he's here anyways." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"No. I was told that it's The Flash's. He decided to go back in time and save his mother. He ended up just saying goodbye and telling her that him and his dad were fine. I wasn't there, though. I was locked in the Pipeline. How is it your fault?" I explained. She sat down on the couch. She is my doppelganger. We even act the same.

"Jay and I were fighting Zoom when the Singularity opened up because of The Flash here." I nodded in confirmation, letting her continue speaking. "Well, I went to stop Zoom. He knew that there is a speedster on this Earth. Every Earth has at least one. I tried stopping him but the chemicals he and Jay used on you, he used on me. It lasted a week. It was new and improved and it took me forever to get the serum right. I couldn't stop Zoom and now I'm here to help because he is terrorizing Central City here. He already did the same on my Earth. I also brought him to Central City on my Earth." Jay held up his hand.

"Hold up. You've never mentioned this before, Remma." She nodded.

"I know I didn't. I didn't start out being the Red Warrior in Central City. I was a vigilante in Starling first. I believe that you have a vigilante or two there here, too. Uses bows and arrows?" I nodded.

"We have a few, yes."

"Well, I started out there. The Particle Accelerator didn't give me my powers. I created them with serums. I was a scientist who liked to play with theories and dark matter. Stuff that was just a myth, but turned out to be real. So Zoom found me after the Accelerator explosion. He didn't like it when I visited Central City to see my brother. I stayed in Central City to lead Zoom out of my home and to try and save my brother. But it was already too late. He works for Zoom. He and his girlfriend." I leaned back in my chair.

"So Zoom wasn't lying. Ronnie's still alive." She nodded. "But he's evil. Who is he there?" I asked.

"Deathstorm. Poor Professor Stein hasn't been let out in a long time. He was my idol." I saw her smile a bit. "But Ronnie works with someone by the name of Killer Frost. The reason I'm telling you this is because I need your help. If you go to my Earth with me and help me stop them then we're closer to stopping Zoom and saving Jesse. I'm sure Harrison has confronted you about that." I nodded. "She's my best friend, practically my sister. I can't get her back alone. I know you, Remma. We're not so different. You want to help her."

"I do want to help her. I really do. But my powers...they're evolving. I can't control them as much. And if you came to me for help then you didn't look into my past."

"Why would I need to look into your past? You're a vigilante who helps people. How bad could it be?" I sighed.

"I pay for this apartment with stolen money. I was recruited to work with Team Flash after The Flash caught me. I had just robbed a bank. I was a criminal and used my powers for bad. Then I was good for a while before something set me off. They locked me in the Pipeline until the Singularity. Seeing Ronnie on your Earth could send me back into my criminal ways. I'm not sure I can help you," I replied. She placed a hand on my arm.

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