Chapter 15

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Remma Raymond

"But I don't want to," I whined. Barry rolled his eyes.

"Rem, just go see him. It's just for a few hours. I'll even go with you." I crossed my arms over my chest and outed. "Seriously. It's been forever since you've seen him and I think you just need to see family." I sighed.

"He hates me, Barry. He's made that clear. Why do I want to go see someone that doesn't give a shit about me?" Barry placed his hands on my hips and I didn't look into his eyes.

"Look at me." I kept my stare on his chest, not looking up. "Remma." I shook my head. "Stop being a child, Rem." I stomped my foot.

"This isn't fair," I hissed. "I-" Suddenly I was sped away by Barry and I found myself in front of his front door. "You ass!" I yelled. He just shrugged and rang the doorbell. My eyes widened. "Speed us away. Now," I demanded. He just smirked as the door opened. I wasn't looking at the door, but I could tell my father was staring at us.

"Barry. Emma. What brings you two here?" my father asked. Barry grinned.

"Remma wanted to see you."

"No I didn't. I fucking hate you." Barry chuckled. My father stepped aside, letting us in. Barry went in front and I just stood there. My father raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you gonna come in, Emma?" I shook my head.

"Not until Barry either apologizes or takes me home." Barry sighed and walked back out, his hands on my hips again.

"I'm sorry that I forced you to come here, baby. Happy now?" I avoided eye contact and shook my head.

"No, but I'll go in anyways," I replied before stepping around him and walking inside my old home. Barry shook his head and followed. I heard my father shut the door and just stare at us. "What?"

"You two are dating?" I nodded. "I totally didn't see that coming," he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. I scoffed.

"Don't be a dick. I came here because I needed something," I told him. He nodded.

"Of course you did. You've always been like that."

"Excuse me? I have not always been like this. I used to be the perfect daughter until some boy decided that he couldn't keep it in his goddamn pants and had to take it out on me. That's what changed me." Barry looked to the ground. He didn't like talking about the incident and neither did I. He blamed himself even though I didn't even know him then. Caitlin was the same way. We were supposed to go somewhere that day but she went out with Ronnie instead.

"I'm sorry that that happened, honey, but if you had just listened-"

"No!" I screamed. "You do not get to call me Honey or anything like that. You weren't even there for me after it happened. You pretty much disowned me because I was no longer your perfect little virgin daughter. It's not my fault that it happened. Now if you excuse me, I have to grab something from my room then I'll be on my way." I looked between Barry and my father. "Don't kill each other." I rushed up the stairs and to my room. Everything was how I had left it when I was here over a year ago. I walked over and picked up the picture frame of my family and I and set it on the ground before stomping down on it, smashing it with the heel of my boot. I kicked it to the side and grabbed an old duffel bag, shoving the rest of my clothes, makeup, and anything else I wanted in it. I walked in my closet and started throwing shoes out of the way when I found a picture of Wally and I that had fallen off of the wall. I stood up from my squatting position and pulled out the box, walking it over to my bed. There was a knock on my door before it opened.

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