Chapter 2

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Remma Raymond
"Help!" the female screamed. My feet pounded on the grey cement sidewalk, the wind blowing my blonde hair behind me. "Someone, help us!" I could sense The Flash coming to the rescue just as I reached the woman. Hanging from the ledge of a building, she continued to look down at the woman at my feet. She had a faint pulse. Barry stopped and looked to me.

"Get her. I'll start CPR," I ordered. The brunet nodded towards me before racing up the side of the building, grabbing the woman, and bringing her down safely. I kept my eyes on the woman as I pushed on her chest, trying to get her heart started. It was when I looked at  my hands that I realized she was shot. There was blood. Blood everywhere. "Flash, take the woman to safety. I don't think either of you want to see this," I told them. The girl had a horrified look on her face as Barry sped her away. I phased my hand through her chest, pulling the bullet out. I kept pressure on her wound as Barry came back and picked her up bridal style.

"Hospital?" he asked. I nodded.

"Bullet wound to the chest, I removed the bullet." I held up the blood-coated piece of metal. "They just need to make sure there's no infections and patch her up," I explained. He nodded once again before speeding away with the woman. For me it was the everyday, or night, life as a vigilante. The Red Warrior had gone solo, and everyone knew that. Caitlin had asked to help me many times, but I always declined. I was doing just fine on my own. I felt a hand on my mouth and my eyes widened. I tried to phase through the person, but my powers weren't working. Why weren't they working? I struggled against their grasp. There was no cloth or drugs. Only their hand.

"Sh. Relax. I'm not going to hurt you," they whispered as they dragged me in a dark corner. When they took their hand off of my mouth I spun around, gun pointed at them. Just because I have powers doesn't mean I don't have a backup weapon.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed. His hands were up and he rolled his blue eyes.

"Relax and put the gun away, Emma." My eyes widened. How does he know my name? "My name is Jay Garrick. I believe that your Earth is in danger."

"What do you mean my Earth?" I questioned as I handed him a cup of coffee, sitting down in the chair across from him. He sighed.

"There are many different Earths. Think of them as a-"

"Parallel universe. Yeah, I know. I'm a metahuman dealing with a bunch of crazy shit. Why are you here?" I interrupted.

"Like I said: Two Earths. A speedster from my Earth went through a Singularity to get here. A Singularity that opened up on your Earth originally. The speedster stole my powers as I was sucked into the Singularity. I've been following you, getting information to make sure that you're good. But you and Barry Allen make it more complicated as you aren't working as a team," he explained. I nodded, sipping my coffee.

"I choose to work solo. Less distractions and I get the job done easier. Exactly who and how dangerous is this speedster?" I asked. Jay gave me a look. A look that told me just how bad it is. I nodded. "I should be scared."

"Yes. You should be," he confirmed. "But I want to help you catch him. They call him Zoom. He wants to be the only speedster in the
multi-verse, stopping at nothing to make sure that it happens. He stole my powers, now he's after Barry's." My hand flew to my mouth, my eyes even more wide. "Relax. He's not here yet. But he'll be here soon. I just don't know when," Jay said. I nodded.

"We need to warn Barry's team. Now," I said sternly, grabbing my leather jacket before we headed to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Upgraded their security system, my ass," I grumbled as I slid the screwdriver back into my back pocket.

"How did you know the screwdriver would work?" Jay questioned. I chuckled.

"They used my brother's technology and combined it with Dr. Wells'. Not that hard to crack. I could've just phased in but I didn't want you to feel bad. You know, since you don't have any powers," I said with a smug look. He shook his head.

"You're an asshole, you know that, Emma?" I gasped.

"Really? I had no idea!" I mocked, a hand placed on my chest as I rolled my eyes. He laughed.

"A sarcastic asshole," he muttered. I grinned.


"Who are you?" Joe questioned.

"You don't know me, but I know you, Barry Allen," Jay said. I managed to hold in my snort that would've exposed me.

"Take one more step, and it'll be the last step you take." I heard the click of a gun. "The man asked you a question." When I heard the click I phased through Jay. It must've startled Joe because he pulled the trigger. I grabbed onto Jay and made us phase, the bullet going right through us with no harm.

"Joe!" I screeched. His eyes widened in realization. Jay stared at me with wide eyes.

"How'd you make me do that?" he asked frantically. Finally he regained his dignity and said, "My name is Jay Garrick. And your world is in danger."

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