Taper Tip Two

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(Hey look Ms. Nelson! I used alliteration! ↗️)

Okay. Food. 

You should NEVER stop eating during taper. Just cut junk food out of your diet, and replace it with healthy food.

Food is often the demise of swimmers during taper. You know you can't eat junk, or you're gonna swim slowly. Most people are okay with eating healthy for a couple of weeks. The problem is, you're so used to being able to eat what you want, that you forget until you've eaten a half a pizza. A good solution is to talk to the people you eat with. At breakfast, it's harder to break taper. Just don't eat a ton of pancakes. Lunch, well, lunch can get tricky. If you're a student, you probably either eat a school lunch, or bring one from home. If you bring one from home, you have better control over what you eat. If you get a school lunch, I recommend going through the lunch line with a friend. Tell the friend when you start taper, and tell them  to keep you from eating any junk. Super helpful, because your friend will hold you accountable. For dinner, tell your parents that if the menu for the days you're on taper include junk food, than you can't eat it and will have to eat something else. Snacks, I suggest putting post it notes on the junk food that say "yo, (insert your name here) you're on taper. Don't eat this. Or suffer the consequences." And hopefully, those will remind you to not eat those foods.

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