3. The Session

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~A/N- Okay couldn't wait any longer. I just had to post this part. I know I said I needed at least 3-5 votes but I just couldnt wait any longer. Enjoy!

As class went on I zoned out not really interested in what was going on. So I took out the journal to see what Thelma wrote:

Samantha you wont think this so stupid after a while~Thelma

I scoffed under my breath. Yeah right! *BEEP* End of class YES! Me and Lily walked out of class strutting our stuff walking through the crowd. We didn't even bother saying excuse me cause everyone moved out of our way as soon as they saw me coming. Perks of being one of the baddest girls in school.

5th hour came along, Study Hall. Study Hall was one of my favorite classes because I got to sleep. I love sleep more than anything! I walked into class and sat in my usual spot in the back. Since none of my friends were in here i was free to sleep without being disturbed.I made myself comfortable and put my head down when my teacher walked up to my desk. "Samantha you need to go to the counselor office.". I sighed and rolled my eyes when she wasnt looking. I walked to Thelma's office really pissed cause she cut into my sleep time. I pushed the door open with out knocking, beacause come on lets get real when do I ever really knock. She jumped at my sudden entrence "Samantha are you upset?". I plopped in down in one of the arm chairs "Yes I am actually.". "Why?" she said with a conserened face. "Well lets see the rents classifed me as a nutjob, whackadoodle if you recall from reading, im stuck with writing in a stupid 'feelings' journal, and your interrupting my sleeping time! Which one of your poisons would you like the discuss first?" I said with a straight face while crossing my arms and legs. "Poisons?" she said her everlasting smile now disppearing. I nodded, man why were people sensitive. "Why do you think I'm a poison?" "Well it's not just you mainly it's the rents too." she gave me an understanding nod. I rolled my eyes. "Well why do you think we are 'poisons'?" she said putting poisons in air quotes. "Well if it wasn't for the rents being the tight wads they are and contacting you I wouldn't be classified as a nutjob and a whackadoodle!" I said starting to get even more pissed. Then I realized I was pouring my feelings out to her. CRAP! Get yourself together think about the songs that keep yourself calm and cool, think about your mellow notes. "Go on" she said waiting for me to continue. "Just what do you want that was so important that you had to call me out of class?" I said getting impatient. "Well us poisons have decided that it would be good if you and me had daily sessions, you know to get somethings off your chest and such." she said awaiting my response. I looked at her just looked at her my face expressionless. I got up and walked out the door. "Samnatha!" her voice rang down the hallway as I walked to the bathroom. Knowing that if I went back to class I would only get called out again. I went to last stall which was the biggest and sat down pulled out my phone put my ear buds in and pressed play.

I checked the time there was only 5 minutes of class left and they had called me to the office 3 times. They checked the bathroom twice and I hid each time. I was too smart for them. *BEEP* The bell rang. A minute or two later I heard a familiar knock on the stall I was in. Lilly. I opened the stall door. "The coast is clear." she said under her breath as I walked out of the stall. "Smoothies?" I asked, she nodded. She walked out of the bathroom first and motioned for me to come out. We merged into the crowd not being seen and quickly rushed to my car and jumped in. "So what did you do now?" she asked not looking at me. "Eh.. I kind of... sort of... walked out of the counselrs office and disappeared." she just nodded. "Wait, why were you even in there in the first place?" she said furrowing her eye brows. "Well the rents decided that it would be fun to make me go to daily sessions with Thelma." I said anger seeping with every word. She was silent.

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