14. Skipping class

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Jessie's POV

 **Bell Rings**

It was now third hour and I haven't seen Samantha since this morning. If she was avoiding me she is amazing at it. I noticed Lilly walking to her locker and deiced to ask her where Sam was. "Hey Lilly?" I said tapping her on the shoulder. "Huh?" she turned around to face me. Her face was extremely red and she seemed nervous. "Umm... have you seen Sam around? She was here this morning, but now I can't find her." I asked as I leaned against the locker next to hers. " She went home sick." she lied. I could tell cause she wouldn't look at me and her face was extremely red. "Oh really? She seemed fine this morning." I said as I tried to get her to look at me. "She puked in the bathroom in first hour." she said flatly and started walking to her next class. "Is she OK?" I sped up trying to catch up with her. "Well if she went home I don't think she is." she said as she bobbed and weaved through the crowed hallway. No one moved out of her way like they usually did. I guess since Sam wasn't here Lilly had no power. "If I went to her house do you think she'll open the door and let me in?" I asked. If Sam was sick then she wouldn't have the energy to fight back. "Probably not. Sam is usually extremely quiet, lazy, ans sleepy when she is sick. so I'd doubt that she would even consider opening the door for you, or anyone in fact." Lilly said as she stopped and looked at me. "Well what about her parents wouldn't she open the door for them?" I asked because surely she shouldn't be that hard to get to when she's sick. "They have a key so why should she have to get up and let them in?" she said and continued down the hallway. "True." I thanked Lilly and walked away. I went into the bathroom and pulled put my phone to call Sam. maybe just maybe she wouldn't look at the caller Id and answer the phone.

*Phone Call*

S: Hello?

J: Sam are you okay?

S: Uh... yeah I'm fine. Shouldn't you be in class right now?

J: It's in between classes and I thought you were sick?

S: I am sick, but that doesn't mean I lost all ability to form words and human mannerisms.

J: *chuckles* True. So the reason for me calling is I want to come over and talk things through.

S: Why?

J: Cause we need to Kitten. We can't just ignore the fact that we kissed.

S: One... don't call me that and two... we can if we really wanted to.

J: Well maybe you can, but I can't. Can I please come over and we can just clear things up? I would hate to do it over a phone call.

S: *sighs* Fine whatever. You can come by, but you'll have to do it during school.

J: Why?

S: Do you want to come over or not?

J: Sorry sorry. Uh... I'll be over in a few.

*End of call*

I slid my phone back in my pocket and smiled. I'm glad she gave me chance to talk things over with her. This would be my chance to win her back. I was going to figure out why she freaked out and then change her mind. I don't know why, but I really wanted her to be mine. It was weird how badly I wanted her. It was like when you were a stubborn little kid and you saw a really cool toy in the store and you wanted it, but your mother told you it was too much and pointed out a cheaper toy to you. You wouldn't listen to her you only had your eyes set on that one toy that you had already seen. Sam wasn't a toy though she was a human being, so I couldn't just have a little fun with her and the. throw her away like she meant nothing to me. I've never done that to a girl before, but I've done somethings pretty close to that. As I walked out the bathroom and to my next class I thought about when I could go see her. I couldn't go this hour since this class was really 'important' and if my parents ever found out that I skipped this class I would be in some deep shit with them. I could go next hour since I had a free period. Yeah next hour! I will go to her house and get her to be mine.

 I walked into class and took my seat to Lou. "Hey mate where have you been?" he whispered under his breath. "In the bathroom on the phone with Sam." I whispered back. He gave me a funny look. "You two are still talking? I thought she would've dumped you by now." he said a little angry. I scoffed. "Wow what a great friend you are Lou. Thanks." I said sarcastically. "Get back into your groups if two from yesterday and start working." the teacher announced. Lou and I quickly scooted our desks together. "Not what I meant by that Jess." he said apologetically "I'm just saying that's what she does. Sam doesn't go out on second dates or even talk to the guy after the first.". "Yeah I know, but we kissed an-" I couldn't finished my sentence before Lou cut me off. "You kissed?!" he whispered/yelled. I nodded "Yes and then she sort of freaked out and pushed me away and ran out the house.". I looked at Lou's jaw agape face. " I can't believe she let you kiss her. No one man has ever gotten that far." he said in complete shock. I smiled to myself. "Really?" I asked hoping that what he was was true. He nodded. Wow I must be really lucky if she let me kiss her. Well she didn't exactly let me kiss her, but i did kiss her and she didn't push me away automatically. So that counts right? "So how did it all happen?" Lou asked as he pulled out his papers. "Well I leaned down and kissed her. After a few seconds she must've realized something and she pushed me away. She ran out of the house and drove home before I could say anything to her." I explained. "Maybe you are just a bad kisser. Did you think about that?" he said with a grin. "Haha very funny, but from what I've been told I'm a pretty deccent kisser." I said with a big smile. "Just cause they told you that doesn't mean it's true." Lou said with a grin. I laughed. "I'm going to see her next hour." I mumbled. "Wait she is still talking to you?" he said raising his eyebrows in shock. "Not exactly." I said looking away.

Sam's POV

What have I done? Did I really just tell him to come over? What is this boy doing to my head? I flopped down on the and turned on the tv. Maybe if I called him back and told him not to even bother coming he might listen to me. Yeah that sounds like a good idea. I picked up my phone and dialed Jessie's number, but I didn't call him yet. He really seems to have grown to like me. Should I really be a mean asshole like I always am and crush his heart? Or should I at least give him a chance? I sat my phone back down next to me. "I'm gonna give him a chance." I said thinking aloud. What's the worst that could happen? My eyes widened. A lot could happen! A lot of bad things could happen! Oh no! I stopped my inner panicking when I heard a knock at the front door. I got up and peeked around the corner to see who it was. Jessie. I took a couple of deep breaths and walked to the door. "Hey." I said. He looked nervous as usual. Was it me that was making him nervous? Or skipping a class that was making him nervous. Jessie rubbed the back if his neck "Hey.". "Do you wanna come in?" I said as I started fidgeting in my place from this awkward moment of silence. He nodded. We walked over to the couch and sat down. "So what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked. He looked at me in a way that kind of made me melt a little. "The kiss. I'm sorry if I freaked you out or was taking things too fast, but I don't want you to just stop talking to me like you did with the other guys." he said all in one breath. I smiled and giggled. "What?" he said looking at me confused. "Listen the kiss was just so sudden and unexpected for me and I freaked out. I honestly haven't kissed a guy in a long while so that was what freaked me out. I won't stop talking to you cause you... you're different. there's something about you that I can't explain." I explained and watched his face light up. He smiled wide and hugged me tight. I cringed. He noticed and pulled back. "Sorry. Over the line?" he asked face turning red. I smiled and laughed "No I just... it's just I'm too affectionate, if you haven't noticed.". I leaned over and hugged him softly. He smelled nice and relaxing, I smiled to myself. "I'm glad you're giving me a chance Kitten." he said with a smile. I pulled back and smiled. "Just don't fuck it up ok?" I said in a stern yet laughter filled voice. "I'll try not to." he said as he leaned a little closer. Our faces were only inches apart. I could smell his minty fresh breath. I gave his chest a little shove away from me. "Get back to school so you don't get in trouble." I said giggling. He nodded and kissed my cheek so quick I didn't even have time to react. He walked to the door "See you after school. Be ready cause we are going out.". I knitted my eyebrows together "Out?". He nodded "Out.". After that he walked out the door and to his car. I watched him as he drove away. I wonder where we are going.

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