A Sweet Revenge

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After Taeyeon bought all their supplies, they needed for the following days he headed straight from the shared apartment with Jessica who helped him to carry the other groceries so he decided he must pay her back for a dinner but little did he know Tiffany who returned after her shooting was lying down on their bed sleeping.

"Taengoo~where can I place this?" Jessica asked while rummaging every side of their pink little kitchen to place the bags from her hand.

"You can put it there for a while and can you lend a hand here, I was having a hard time to prepare the food for the night!" Taeyeon yelled from the kitchen that Jessica hurriedly runs to where her bestfriend midget needs help. Unbeknownst to them, the groggy girlfriend peeks from where she heard the voice coming that she assures that it was her boy.

Tiffany makes a frowned face from what she was witnessing, she found her boyfriend's face was leaning an inch closer to the blonde's face that she assumed that they were kissing but they didn't. She angrily stomps her feet towards the two figures to announce her presence that made them startled.

"Oh! Fany~ah! You're back! You didn't ring me up so I picked you up at the airport?" The oblivious boyfriend asked like there's nothing happened between him and his blonde friend but for Jessica, she keeps staring or more on glaring at Tiffany who has her arms crossed waiting for a stupid alibi from them that she caught off-guard awhile ago.

"No need to and seems you enjoying your little moment here rather than picking me up, right?" Tiffany rolled her eyes that Jessica didn't go unnoticed make her frowned a bit with a sarcastic statement by the arrogant hallyu star, oh how she wishes that this evil girlfriend of him swallowed by the earth right now as in N.O.W! The intense battle between the two gorgeous ladies of Taeyeon was still ruining the air so the dumb lad breaks the awkward silence between them that he pulled both of their hands toward the kitchen to work on the unfinished business inside as he put aprons on each, the pink one for her favorite girl and the blue one for her precious bestfriend. His lips curved upwards from the satisfaction that he found both of them were cute but only he received a glare from both of them. He giggles when he saw how the two girls keep on ignoring each other and no one attempt to be defeated by each other showing off their suck skills in cooking when Taeyeon immediately instructs them how to cut the veggies and the other ingredients for his meal tonight.

"Yah! Just get out on my way you're blocking it and don't you ever dare to cross my line here, okay?" Jessica raised her voice while pointing at the invisible line that separated her from Tiffany who was now furrowing her brows in annoyance thinking that the blonde was overreacting now.

"Whatever!" Tiffany fires back before she faces her back into her made Taeyeon hold on to his laughter thinking that it was fun teasing them both so an idea pops out on his mind to put on a show.

Taeyeon wants to tease his girl by having a moment with his own bestfriend. He leaned closer to the oblivious blonde who was busying herself chopping the veggies but he stopped when Jessica shift her head to meet his lips into hers that Tiffany didn't go unnoticed. (EPIC FAIL! Aigoo~ All hail TAENGSIC shippers!)


(A/N:Ok, I know how stupid the effect was, just bear with me my lovely readers. Kekekeke~)

A hard slap landed on Taeyeon's cheek that startled him made Jessica also shocked that she step aback by the other girl's raging reaction, it was an accident by Taeyeon's clumsiness.


"Fany~ah? Mianhe~" Taeyeon regretted what he'd done on teasing his girlfriend. He held her wrist but immediately slapped it off from away and continue to make a way out of their shared apartment and slammed the door against her boyfriend's face.

"How dare you Kim! How can you be so clingy to your bestfriend and the worst right infront of my face? Stupid!" Tiffany muttered while wiping her tears and walking as fast as she could leading no direction until the rain pours down.

"Sh*t! I forgot my coat! Argh! I hate it fvck that midget!" Tiffany cursing her boyfriend pulling her locks out of frustration as she slowly kneeled and curled into a ball hugging her knees crying her heart out. She felt extremely jealous over their intimate friendship as well as frustrated with herself that she couldn't have much time spend on Taeyeon and only focused on her career so she couldn't blame the young lad to spend more time with his blonde bestfriend also his co-worker at Sooyoung's bar. She would have secretly dated her boyfriend in her short spare time inside their apartment instead of taking her out on a decent date afraid that they might be caught by the papparazi thankfully their home was exclusive that the security restrictly kept privacy from the outsiders especially the media because the tenants inside were no joke, they're highly-profile personality on the industry and politics.

Tiffany pops out from her thoughts when she felt that the water pouring above stopped hitting her bare skin but seeing that the rain didn't stop yet. She shifted her head to see Taeyeon behind her holding a pink umbrella to covered them from the unstoppable rain while locking their gaze from each other. The boy slowly levels himself to meet Tiffany's eyes before he gently wipes her tears with his thumb slowly tucking her hair behind her ears and giving off his cute dimple chin smile that the latter loves. He kisses her forehead down to her nose and lastly captured her soft plump lips that used to be his favorite ones.

"Strawberry" Taeyeon whispered against their attached lips.

"Baby mianhe~ I was too clumsy that I just want to tease you but unfortunately I accidentally kissed Jessica instead. I didn't mean it really, I apologized to her too and she said they were both not mean it. You know how much I love my mushroom that I endure you being a pink frea- YAH!" Taeyeon was cut off by Tiffany's slapped on his chest making the girl stifled her laugh because of his cute pout.

"Am I forgiven?" Taeyeon asked but Tiffany thinks for awhile before she shyly nods and giving him a peck on his cheeks.

"Thank you my hallyu star girlfriend." Taeyeon helped Tiffany to stand on her feet and succumbed her into his warmth sharing the umbrella against the heavy rain before they went back into their apartment.

"Someday you're gonna be mine, Taengoo. Someday." A certain blonde was now standing under the rain watching the two figures slowly disappear out from her sight. She was clenching her teeth and fist while wishing on her thought that she would revenge against Tiffany for stealing her Taeyeon away.

"I promise to myself that I get my Taengoo from you bitch that I'll be back with a new ME!" Jessica turned her back soaking wet under the rain picking her pace away from them.

To be continued.


Heol! Inspired by Jessica's promotional fashion video and Taeyeon's Rain. Kekekeke~
Jessica will get revenge against Tiffany, what will happen to TAENY relationship? Will Team TAENGSIC wins? I was thinking of a new twist and decided to change the cover showing JeTi as a hallyu star girlfriend of Taeyeon. I want you to comment down your OTP shippers if your Taeny just writes #TeamTAENY and for Taengsic #TeamTAENGSIC and also I will add a bit of some KRYSTAE here. I apologized for my slow update but I'll definitely want to make up with you for a good story just bear with me my precious readers~

With Love,


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