Kim Yoona

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After Mr. Kim reveals his identity to his son Taeyeon the newbie manager works his butt off to a pile of paper dump on the President's desk, he was ordered to practice them since soon the executive position will be passed unto him so much better prepared them earlier. An audible knock heard that breaks his bubble of thoughts from which Jessica was suddenly appeared behind the huge two-door of the office.

"What are you doing here, Taengoo? It is limited to us y'll know?" Jessica asked the midget, trying hard not to laugh and reveal his true identity behind.

"The President allows me because of some kinds of stuff he wants me to prepare. So yeah." Taeyeon hesitates to do a white lie to his own bestfriend he knew that the ice princess is hard to be fool by some lies came from him.

"Such a bad liar." Jessica scoffed pinching his nose as it was her mannerism towards him.

"I think I enter the wrong place here." The President appears from nowhere and witnesses a sweet moment between the two.

"Ah- Mr. Kim, annyeong hassaeyo!" Jessica greeted in a high pitch showing nervousness made the father and son laughed at her cuteness.

"Oh dae. Annyeong hasseoyo Ms. Jessica-shi." Mr. Kim greeted her back and approach his desk quickly.

"How's your practice here, Taeyeon-ah?" The President asked as he fixed his eyes on the papers needed to be done by midnight as he continued to sign and read the piles of papers simultaneously with ease.

"Well, as you see it's quite boring knowing that you will be confined here all day." Taeyeon boldly said made Taehyung laugh while Jessica shocked with his words talking to the President just like that.

"Sorry for his boldness, Mr. Kim! He has such a bad mouth." Jessica covered the midget's mouth as the poor lad struggle into her hold.

"Oh, no it's okay I don't mind either. Just feel free to call me by when no one's around." Taehyung spoke with his soothing voice.

"YAH-" Jessica pinched his poor ears dragging him outside the office before the midget behavior became disrespectful towards their President while Taehyung looking at them in awe.

"We will take our leave Mr. Kim. Sorry for being disrespectful, please excuses us." Jessica bowed while forcing the midget to join her that Taeyeon obliges to do it as well.

"Oh, you may go on now and it's nothing. Thank you for paying a visit here. See you around then." Mr. Kim said before the door closed as the two guests left.

"They kinda look good together, I wonder if she was my son's girlfriend?" Mr. Kim mentally said before he laid his eyes into the papers on his hand shrugging his own thoughts.


Tiffany patiently waited for her turn after a certain girl group ended their practice for today with their manager and choreography when nobody is out of the room she prepares herself for simple stretching and vocalizations testing her inborn talent if it still works after a very long time she hasn't using it since she has been into acting and modeling these days forgetting her real passion towards music. She deeply inhaled while keeping her eyes closed feeling the emotions behind the song as she sings "DREAMING OF YOU by Selena" her favorite piece that made her into stardom. She was thinking Taeyeon while she uses to sing that song as if she was singing infront of her boyfriend but little did she know that the boy she was thinking was staring now at her in awe and proud having her despite lack of communication and dates but their love was still there.

"That's my girl." Taeyeon proudly thought to himself as he watching her in silence. He imagines himself in an empty hall with Tiffany serenading him at the stage who was singing with passion and love.

When the song ended, Taeyeon claps his hand making the girl opened her eyes as she saw the person she was thinking when she sang the song, as usual, her heart was beating like crazy just for him so she smiles and quickly jumps into her dear boyfriend.

"You're still good at making this ahjussi's heart beating like a hell of a crazy." Taeyeon said while the girl was still in his hold balancing them to avoid falling down into the floor.

"Well, I think that ahjussi was still head over heels into his own girl's charm." Tiffany kisses her boyfriend into his lips for a mere second and continues to stare at each other's eyes.

"I think we have to spend our night together since I have no schedule till tomorrow and my girl was on her leave too." Taeyeon kisses her back and they repeated their action over again.

"We have to go home now before I punished that ahjussi inside his newly bought Mercedes Benz." Tiffany playfully teases Taeyeon as she was quickly dragged outside the building carrying her in a bridal style and drive their way home.


Mr. Kim silently enjoying his cup of tea on his private pavilion when Yoona sitted across him with a huge smile on her face, missing her father so much she warmly stares at him when the old man turns his head to see the young lady with her hand under her chin staring at him.

"Oh, Yoong-ah? How? When?" Twehyung Kim caught his tongue tied when he was talking nonsensely due to excitement so he kept the young ones into his embrace until they couldn't feel their breathing or more on crashing her bones into his warmth.

"Sorry if I arrive unnoticed since I don't want to bother you Dad so I decided to surprise you instead." Yoona explained to understand by his father.

"No it's okay, the surprise was successful." Taehyung Kim teases Yoona who pouts immediately.

"You're such a meannie, Daddy!" Yoona whines like a kid made the father laugh at her antics.

"Such a cutie." Taehyung sais as they both engaged in a heartily talk with each other after not having the company for a long time when he send Yoona outside the country for her study.

"I want to be an artist at your agency, Dad! Could you make it happen?" Yoona pleaded made Mr. Kim think for awhile before he agreed.

"Let Mr. Taeyeon be your manager then, okay? I contact him as soon as possible." Taehyung knew that his son will take good care of his sibling so he rather chooses him over some good managers out there.

"Assa! I love you Dad!" Yoona kisses his cheeks before she quickly runs outside like a kid who had her lollipop.

"Such a kiddo." Taehyung smile pressing Taeyeon's number to give him a call.

To be continued.


A/N: What a very hot summer here in my country I think I will strip my clothes off right here, right now and by the way, I want to thank all of you for making it 1K views already, my readers we're all Jjang!

Hwaiting! :)

With Love,


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