New Manager

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Tiffany arrived at Incheon Airport with Yuri after they finished the drama they were filming but the latter was dead worried at her boyfriend he didn't even call nor texted her for a fvcking week thinking there were happened while she was away. The paparazzi blocked their way as camera flashes blinded their vision and endless questions came throughout from random reporters but thankfully there were marshalls to keep them safe. After a few minutes of struggling they both settled inside a luxurious van from SM entertainment as Tiffany immediately frowned when Sooyoung remind them that the President send them off to the company instead of letting them rest for days, one thing she doesn't want being a Hallyu star was tough and invading their private lives too but it was consequences living life in fame and money. She always checked her handphone waiting for Taeyeon's message but nothing appeared. Yuri who was stealing glances at her every time and immediately takes her hand into his making the latter gave a questioning look, they stayed like that for a while before the tanned guy releases his hold and gave her a worried look.

"No message from Taeyeon?" He asked but Tiffany immediately look away focused her sight outside the window car and slightly nod as a response. Tears unconsciously escaped from her eyes but gently wiped it right away before Yuri noticed.

Yuri sighed deeply as tilted his head to look outside the window instead same like Tiffany. Hoping that he could soothe the latter but he kept holding himself together because they were both in a relationship.


Jessica had already finished her voice and dance rehearsal and quickly grabbed her things to join the other artist called by the President for an urgent meeting at the conference room inside the building. She entered the place and saw Sunny sitting with her member so she gladly took the seat beside her and greeted each other. All artists were gathered except for Yuri and Tiffany who were almost late but thankfully President Kim doesn't arrive yet. A few minutes later the door widely opened and a man with his suit followed by supposedly his bodyguard entered made the artists divert their attention towards the President accompanied by a familiar young man behind who keeps on fidgeting and glancing from unfamiliar faces that looking straightly at him he lowered his head because he hates attention from people that he wanted to run away immediately but it doesn't help him and he has to follow what the President wants him to do.

"Thank you for coming all the way here despite your hectic schedule I will kindly acknowledge each presence. I only want you to welcome a new member of our family because later he will now join the company as a new manager of our new soloist that will be debuted next week and I would gladly introduce you to my dear friend here, Kim Taeyeon as Jessica Jung's manager. Please give him round applause and take good care of him as your own dongsaeng." Everybody clapped except for the four faces who had their eyes widened and still couldn't move on to the shocking news they've got as they couldn't believe their own eyes and ears that a certain midget friend who appears in front of them was now part of the industry and the worst that he was Jessica's manager made Tiffany's heart crashed.

"Fany-ah? Are you okay?" Yuri noticed the tears formed from Tiffany and gently wipes it using his thumb and simply nodded but Taeyeon didn't seem unnoticed the scene across him. He clenches his fist while still eyeing the tanned guy who was soothing his girl and the worst was touching her made his blood boiled like an erupting volcano. On the other hand, Jessica doing her victory dance mentally when she heard the news that means she would spend most of her time with her bestfriend-slash-manager. She noted to herself that she will act soft and feminine to impressed him and slowly taking away his heart from her mortal enemy. The President sat in the middle giving some pointers to his own artists and gave them a 3days vacation each except for Sunny's group and Jessica who will be debuted soon. Taeyeon stared at his girlfriend the entire time being but Tiffany was ignoring him and put all of his attention to Yuri instead who keeps on laughing at his own lame jokes that she has to act interested but definitely she loses interest for the entire time inside the room knowing that Taeyeon's presence bothered her a lot. After an hour of talking the President finally end the discussion and bid goodbye but he instructed his son to stay with Jessica so that they could get along well thinking that they didn't know each other but his prediction was wrong.

"You will now be responsible for Jessica all the time so I will take my leave but you have to stay here so that you accompany your artist here after her rehearsal, understand? Take good care I see you at your mother's funeral tomorrow." President Kim turned his back followed by his personal guards and get outside the company to fly from Korea to U.S. and checked the newly opened branch there.

"Araesso, Mr. Ahjussi." Taeyeon responded back before Mr. Kim heading his way out from the building making sure that he heard him well Taehyung waved his hand to confirm that he heard what he was going to say remembering every word.

"Taengoo~" The blonde jumped off made him almost losing his balance thankfully he was able to catch her before they fell on the ground. He quickly searching his girlfriend but failed to see her as all artists already left the room and only the two of them left behind but gladly to see her bestfriend fixing herself in the mirror.

"Jessica I miss you! Seriously!" Taeyeon pulled her into a hug but unfortunately, Tiffany was still there standing from afar after the meeting ends that she neglected Yuri's offer to give her a ride home as she forgot her pink Bugatti in their shared apartment. She was crying because she couldn't take a hold of her own insecurities towards the blonde who was comfortable with her boy and you could mistakenly see them more like a couple instead of a friend because of the intimacy. She wants to approach them but her ego told her not to bother and went home instead so she follows her inner self by dragging her feet on a cold hard ground with a heavy heart on her way home hoping that sleep will help her ease the pain.

To be continued.


A/N: Poor Fany but I hope you wouldn't be mad at me for a Taengsic chapter just understand my twist here I hardly thought for a good plot and no intention of killing Taeny shippers. Put your faith in me guys.

Oh and one more thing guys please do checked out my other stories like Gemini, A Princess Life, My Wife is a Noona, Ny Vampire Husband and Happy Kim Family.

I honestly tell you that it was hard for me to choose my favorite OTP such as Taeny, Taengsic and Krystae to be the main characters on my own story. I am 45% Taengsic, 40% Taeny and 15% Krystae here so bear with me.

With Love,


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