I Don't Like It

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Yoona was waiting patiently inside Mr. Kim's office when someone barges inside made the lady surprise as quickly as possible the culprit nodded his head for being so rude to further notice but Yoona shrugged it off and letting her new manager sit across with huge curves on her lips she gladly offers her hand for a simple handshake.

"Hello, I'm Kim Yoona and I expected that my father informed you already regarding my proposal being an artist, and he proudly said that your fit into my personality that he picks you to be my manager too." Yoona explained made the new manager nodded his head in agreement so he took her hand and introduces himself as well.

"I'm Taeyeon by the way and I don't know what to say since Mr. Kim already spill the beans about me but I don't want you to expect anything from me that will make your hopes high and leads you to disappointment either but I assure you that I will do my best for us, bringing the best out of you and also take care of your being, Ms. Yoona." Taeyeon's smooth-talking make the new artist build her trust in him as she offered a simple hug for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Taeyeon." Yoona muttered between their interactions while Taeyeon's cheeks reddened as he didn't use to surprise skinship aside from his girlfriend and bestfriend. When the young latter pushed away into the hug she let out a soft chuckle and in a seconds Mr. Kim entered the room with a satisfied look in his eyes.

"Seems like it was good news." Taehyung Kim spoke with excitement approaching his kids and ready to engulf them into a bear hug but the two-step aback gesturing that they didn't want the sudden skinship.

"Yeah, so I think my job here is done now and we could start soon, thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity, Mr. Kim." Taeyeon bowed while the President gently smiles at him that he felt proud for his son, this action didn't go unnoticed by the figure beside him who was staring at them curiously.

"I'm glad you accept the offer too." Taehyung simply said before settling himself into his desk with piles of documents that usually delivered there every day since the start of the morning, it was a routine.

"I take my leave now than Mr. Kim and see you around Ms. Yoona." Taeyeon bowed before he disappears behind the doors.

"I don't like him!" Yoona scoffed before she slumped her back into the black leather soft owned by her father crossing her arms and with an annoyed look that Mr. Kim caught by surprise from his daughter's strong remarks against his son.

"Did he do something wrong?" Taehyung Kim asked waiting for her rational reason.

"I just felt that I don't like him, that's all." The spoiled princess sulking and let herself confined into the couch to be soothed by her father soon but to her surprise, the President give her a pissed expression before he sharply sighed and brought back the eyeglass into his eyes continue reading some papers from his hold.

"I guess I spoiled you too much that I regret having you back here. If you continue your sulking there it should be better if you also dragged your feet outside and let me be alone here, I'm too tired to let my ears get used to your own drama." Her father's word hits her jackpot brought tears into her eyes before she swiftly runs outside and slammed the door letting out her frustrations from her father.

"Oh god, what did I've done now? Surely her attitude comes from her mom thankfully Taeyeon has a calm and reserved personality. That girl will give me a bunch of problems here before I retire as a President that I don't have the courage to give the company into her hands but to Taeyeon." Taehyung huffed as he let off his eyeglass away and laid on the desk before he stood up and approach his small bar of liquor for some release.


The Hallyu Star was busy packing her things for her two weeks of nonstop shooting and filming in Paris the company pushing her to the brim that she couldn't let herself rest awhile and she was working nonstop for almost two months straight. She knew that it was a blessing but on the other side she was also a human that needs a rest too. She only sighed and continue her business arranging her stylish clothes into its rightful place as she was into her own thoughts she didn't notice Taeyeon who was silently tiptoeing behind and covered her eyes.

"YAH YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH! YOU RASCAL MIDGET!" Tiffany yelled felt annoyed by her boyfriend antics since she wasn't in the mood to play along with him so Taeyeon back away and found himself sitting on their shared bed with his head hang low much to her dismay, she didn't purposely want to hurt and shout at him but her stupid mood swings ruined the moment so she decided to stop and approach the still sulking midget.

"Sorry Taetae I didn't mean to shout at you but you nearly make me punched you because I was too surprise and shocked by your childish behavior. Sorry!" Tiffany let her finger runs into his fermented brown hair soothing him but to no avail, he gently pushed her hands away from him while back facing her.

"It's gonna be a long push and pull we got here." Tiffany thought seeing the helpless puppy midget under the cover who kept himself away from the culprit.

"Taetae~" She was trying her best to soothe the sulking boyfriend or more like a kid having tantrums as she shook his shoulder but still he held himself together not to let his pride gave in to the girlfriend.

"I will sleep outside then." Tiffany let herself be defeated since she was at fault grabbing a spare pillow she dragged her feet outside and confined to the uncomfortable couch waiting for her tonight.

"What the? She didn't at least try to comfort me and just like that she was defeated." Taeyeon was very annoyed so he followed his girlfriend outside with a pout on his lips.

"Yah! Hwang Miyoung just gets inside and let me take the couch." Taeyeon yelled made Tiffany startled as she was already preparing for her sleep.

"Geez, I'm so stupidly whipped over you that I let my pride waves its white flag for the beautiful creature in the world." Taeyeon pulled her into his body so that he could embrace her warmly.

"You know you don't have to do that, Taetae. I was fine here and I realize my fault so sorry." Tiffany buried her whole face into her boyfriend's buff chest as the man caresses her back with a gentle touch.

"Hush, I was at fault too so don't be too sorry baby. I couldn't hold back my eagerness to kiss that pouty lips of yours. I love you and that's enough and let's sleep on our bed now, I was too tired to argue back." Taeyeon ushered themselves into the confinement of the bedroom.

"I want you to sing me a song, love."  Taeyeon begged at her girlfriend when they finally settled their tangled body inside the warm blanket so as a payback Tiffany agree and sing "Cater 2 U".

Taeyeon immediately drifted into his dreamland after a few verses followed by Tiffany and the night was ended like that.

To be continued.


A/N: Taeyeon was having a full-length album in April and my heart goes wild and crazy while Jessica and Tiffany were having a comeback as well. My TaeNySic heart~ Hehehehe.

Thank you guys for inspiring your author-nim! Hwaiting!

With Love,

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