Lost And Found

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Jessica was having her make-up and all of her stage clothes were all set for her debut with her make-up artist who was keeping her image looks fabulous and elegant once she stepped on the stage. Taeyeon entered the dressing room wearing his stylish clothes and shades, he was checking her artist after he took care of the stage of preparation, they were amazed how Jessica slay the charts on #1 spot with her new release video "Gravity" he was proud of his bestfriend success and many paparazzi monitoring her too even endorsements was flooding over her rising fame as she was being called the reigning diva by her own fandom "GorJess Spazzer". Left and right contracts, photoshoot even filming offered by various entertainment company goes loco over her new artist that he himself unable to handle her fame too but Jessica encouraging him not to take it seriously and let her handle it too since they were partners too and after a few days she was reportedly dating a Kpop artist Ok Taecyeon, 2 PM main rapper but the latter denied it and reveals that she was still single and ready to mingle much to Taeyeon's relief.

"Hello? Earth to Kim Taeyeon?" Jessica snapped her manager from his deep thoughts as she continuously tapping his broad shoulder. Taeyeon who just startled by a gorgeous figure beside him grinning widely who had her arms crossed against her chest.

"Sorry, many thoughts occupying my mind right now." Taeyeon said while he removes his shades revealing dark circles on his eyes. Jessica laughed at him when she saw the panda looks of her long-time crush making the manager frowned and flicked her forehead cause her to flinch in pain.

"Yah!" Jessica yelled and the door slammed open revealing the fuming mad Tiffany who sees their sweet gestures at each other. Taeyeon abruptly gets on his foot approaching his girlfriend hoping that he could calm her down but to his dismay, Jessica was slapped by her as she couldn't contain her jealousy and anger over her boyfriend's best friend for a long time.

"You bitch! Just stay away from my man if you don't want your pretty face ruined!" Tiffany sharply stated as she was stood face to face with Jessica who was smirking evilly with burning cheeks stinging in pain but she rather faces her with the same intensity than appears weak at her bitchy face. The staff and crew who were panicked over the situation started the commotion outside when paparazzi who was silently lurking around to hit some jackpot and voila here it is, fresh and on the spot. Taeyeon couldn't take it anymore and he stepped in front of Jessica with his raging anger due to stress and all, he couldn't care even if he might hurt the famous Hwang in front of everybody but he thinks that she was too much and disrespectful towards innocent people being under the fame she completely changes her attitudes from a good to bad ones. Tiffany was being arrogant, clingy, bitchy, and proud to herself that her foot was nowhere on the ground.

"STOP IT TIFFANY! YOU'RE OVERREACTING JUST NOW! I COULDN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GONNA DO SUCH THINGS LIKE THIS? YOU AND YOUR CHILDISH ANTICS WILL RUIN YOUR IMAGE BY NOW! YOU DON'T TRUST ME? DO YOU? I WAS SO STUPID BEING WHIPPED OVER MY CRAZY GIRLFRIEND DO YOU KNOW THAT? OR DO YOU WANT ME TO REPEAT AGAIN? I COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, TIFFANY HWANG! I JUST COULDN'T! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! SORRY! WE'RE OVER AND WE'RE DONE! SORRY!" Taeyeon angrily stormed out from the dressing room while the paparazzi were waiting outside and curiosity kills the cat, they entered and bombarding questions towards the two gorgeous hallyus who were frozen from their spot.


Taeyeon drunk himself over a few shots when he was spotted by his former fellow worker Krystal who works on the bar after her shift at Sooyoung's. She carefully checking him out fro head to toe, he was too hot to handle by her eyes, she bites her lips she was feeling turned on over his sweaty and wasted being as he chugged his drinks in one shot and slammed the glass on the counter made her startled.

"O-One drinks here!" Taeyeon shouted over his lungs as the effect of the strong liquor kicks in inside his system but Krystal serves him. He pause when he had the chance to glance over the waitress and seems familiar to him but nausea weakening his state of mind. The heat inside him was creeping out at this moment he wanted to loosen up and fuck someone for a release. Krystal manages to grab him first before he reacts, he carelessly kisses her back, and Krystal winks at him trying to seduce the wasted midget. After a few push and pull they managed to storm outside the bar since Krystal already ended her shift, she pulled the key out of his pants and droves off towards her apartment.

When they get out from his expensive black Bugatti with a tipsy midget walking with difficulty Krystal helped him placing his arm on her shoulder as he tried to carry himself too. Soon as they stepped inside the apartment door they were both stumbles on the floor made Krystal winced in pain but after a few seconds, Taeyeon swiftly stripping all her clothes leaving her naked beneath him as he was looking straight into her eyes, he kissed her roughly made the latter felt the intense heat inside as she plays with him the same pleasure he gives.

"F-Fany-aahh~" Taeyeon moans between the kiss but Krystal didn't hear what he says since she was in euphoria. She started stripping his clothes starting from his shirt down to his pants, she was stroking him that made him groaned in pleasure and after a few seconds, he finally entered her and pumping in and out until they reached their orgasm panting hard on the floor before Taeyeon passed out due to his drunken state. Krystal helped him to get upstairs and lay themselves into the soft mattress, she stared at him intensely and decided to play with his body, touching every part and satisfy herself in pleasure but Taeyeon sleeps like a log that he didn't budge to wake up even though the horny woman still keeps touching him.


I felt a weight on my head as I started to open eyes and it makes me throw up but at the same time, I felt someone was hugging me from behind when I shifted I saw Krystal sleeping soundly but the worst is that she was naked. I was dumbfounded when I found myself naked too under a thick blanket and the smell of our sex was lingering in my nose but I can't remember anything we have done last night I thought that I was drunk and couldn't think straight but I'm sure that we have sex obviously. Tiffany will definitely kill me but wait, I was breaking up with her yesterday and now I realized how stupid I am because of my stupidity. I feel devastated and ruined now, many thoughts flooding into my mind and I couldn't digest myself breaking with my beloved Hwang. I get off from the bed without waking Krystal as I searched for my nowhere-to-be-found clothes, the hell my clothes were torn and scattered on the living room thinking how rough we were last night that our clothes were all over the apartment. I fished out something from the pocket of my pants, I bought this a few weeks ago as I stared at the small velvet box that I firmly held in my hands before I gently opened it showing a pink diamond ring engraving her name inside. Tears escape from my eyes I felt guilty when the scene yesterday kept replaying into my mind and I want to kill myself without Tiffany in my life but it was my fault that my anger took me and shouted at her with my harsh words stabbing her straight into her fragile heart. I throw the small velvet box and the mirror in front of me crashed due to the impact. Krystal hurriedly attended me in the living room wearing her blue robe and asking me if I was okay and assured her I was fine but still the worried look into her eyes staring back at me so I kissed her softly until it turns into a passionate one before we get into another round of making love.

To be continued.


A/N: I thought I was doing TaengSic but seems it turns out to be a hot Krystae scene. Mianhe.

Oh no, TaeNy broke up :(

With Love,


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