We still be TaeNy

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It devastated me without Taeyeon in my life; I know I was at fault for being a possessive girlfriend he ever had but still, he kept me in his love and gave me everything a woman wants to have. Now, I was here sitting at the forgotten corner of my room succumbing into tears of how he ended our relationship because of my fucking jealousy over his bestfriend Jessica who I knew that she had a thing for my boyfriend without him knowing. Oh, how I nearly forgot that he was now ex-boyfriend against my will, I sighed inwardly and resigned myself into a long deep slumber hoping that this pain will be clearly forgotten by tomorrow, when I'm already tucked inside my blanket there's a long buzz ringing on my door, who the hell was still upon this hour? I thought but still, the audible fucking sound was still there bugging me, oh how I hate being disturbed in my almost beauty rest. I started dragging my feet with a heavy heart hoping that this uninvited guest will soon get tired of raping my buzzer so early in the morning. He or she will get something from me when I see this face who obviously disturbing me. Bless her/him! I scoffed.


"W-What a-are-" Tiffany crashed into Yuri's arms after she opened the door seeing a worried look from her fellow actor slash on-screen partner that Taeyeon hates the most but now she thinks that she could at least find comfort with him but maybe no.

"Ehem. I'm getting straight to the point here so you two will move inside so we could take a proper seat rather than standing here outside. " An irritated voice distracted the YulTi moments when Jessica appeared with a bothersome Sooyoung behind who kept being trouble having an ice princess beside him all day long.

"O-Ohh, sorry you can come in." Tiffany politely ushered them inside.


"Sorry for troubling you awhile ago Jessica I was being an asshole freak." Tiffany apologetically bowed at Jessica who was still on hold of her emotions, her stare was unreadable and no emotion was showing even a fortune teller couldn't tell.

"Just forget about it at least I perform well at my debut stage earlier. Thank you to your manager Choi slash my boss." Jessica looks at the stiff manager before she looks back at Tiffany who was waiting for a reconciliation thing from her.

"Well, a hug or handshake wouldn't hurt my pride." Jessica teased make Tiffany frowned of how arrogant her words would be but still they both manage to hug each other despite of their awkward relationship.

"Err..I think we lose our true intention here at the first place, right?" Sooyoung retorted while Yuri nodded vigorously making the two who was immerse from their moment suddenly pulled away from each other awkwardly again.

"You got it, Mr. Choi!" Yuri playfully slapped Sooyoung's shoulder earning a smacked on his head as a return.

"Well, what do we have here? Causing all of you standing outside my front door and raping my poor buzzer outside and also bothering my deep beauty sleep early in the morning." Tiffany crosses her arms waiting for the three culprit response who was sitting stiffly on her couch.

"You know you're boyfr- ooopppsss sorry I mean your ex was caught on a huge trouble." Sooyoung exclaimed having smacked on his head by Jessica glaring at him.

"Why Taeyeon involve on this?" Tiffany asked straight whenever she heard her boyfriend's name.

"SM President announces Kim Taeyeon was his only son and heir for his inheritance after President Kim discover that he was diagnosed in cancer but after the news spread getting all that freaking paparazzi's attention and they caught Taeyeon on a bar making out with a waitress working on the bar soon they driving off out from the place and thankfully the paparazzi losing track with them." Yuri explained made Tiffany boiled in anger knowing that her ex-boyfriend easily forgot her and wooing another woman after they got broke up.

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