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Jessica and Sunny's group gathered inside the practice together with their manager Taeyeon and Hyoyeon. Before their debut, there was so many endorsement companies keep on calling them to be their model so the two managers was holding their phone 24/7 and talking for hours before they took a break. The blonde soloist was too clingy much to others' dismay especially for Taeyeon but the thoughts of her being his bestfriend took it lightly and didn't give another way around. Seohyun who was the maknae of S.S.S together with her unnie Sunmi & Sunny getting along well with Jessica and Hyoyeon because of her generosity and politeness towards others.

"Let's take a break guys!" Hyoyeon shouted while slumping her tired body against the couch place inside the room. Seohyun approached and gave her a soda and sit beside her.

Sunny and Jessica who was keep on bickering at the back while Sunmi keeps on hitting at Taeyeon who seems uninterested in her and being a gentleman he intends to talk with the visual of the group.

"Mr. Kim can you help me with the zipper behind my shirt I can't reach them." Sunmi pleaded though it was really her intention to keep close at the oblivious manager but seems Taeyeon keep it lightly for he doesn't want to give slight malice with her actions.

"Ahem..." Jessica clears her throat.

"Oh, Sica-ah? How may I help you?" Taeyeon averted his gaze on a certain blonde in front of them who made a straight face towards them. Sunmi smirked at her and excuses herself leaving the two.

"Enjoying being a manager, huh?" Jessica sarcastically remarks made Taeyeon frowned.

"What are you trying to say?" Taeyeon slumps his back against the soft couch and patting an empty space beside him gesturing her to sit down and she complied.

"I'm saying that you better focus on your own artist not on others, okay?" Jessica bluntly said giving an intense glare to her manager.

"Aigoo~ you and your jealousy! Seriously Sica are you crushing on me?" Taeyeon playfully said tucking her hair away from her features made Jessica pause and cringe at his remarks but the kid manager didn't take it seriously.

"A-An-iyo..y-you k-now..-" Jessica stuttered making the kid manager chuckled while leaning his head to give a slight peck into her forehead.

"I'm just joking Sica-chu~" Taeyeon sticks out his tongue giving him a good slap on his shoulder and they both chuckled caught the attention of the others much to Sunmi's dismay.


Tiffany sitting on the counter table digging her cereals with puff cheeks and worn outlooks from last night. She didn't touch her food yet and keep on staring almost digging a hole straight to the cereals. A doorbell awakens her from her reverie as she stepped forward and slowly peeking into the door hole so that she could see who is the uninvited guest outside. She saw a red bouquet blocking in front of the unrecognize face, she furrowed her brows and decided to ask.

"Who is it?" She asked with curiosity didn't leave the hole in case she took a glance at the person.

"You're baby boo~" Yuri appeared with a cheeky grin holding the bouquet made Tiffany scoffed and ushered the tanned guy inside her place taking a seat on the couch waiting for the eye smile girl to return from the kitchen.

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