Unfateful Night

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I was here patiently waiting inside my Taeyeon's office or should I say fiancee, his surprising event getting popular over netizens that our fans uploaded Taeyeon's proposal video goes viral in just a week. As SM CEO, he also turns out as a celebrity after the video spreads over the showbiz industry it was also an advantage since I'm having tons of endorsement unlike before so my poor manager Sooyoung was having a mental breakdown from his loads of work ever since he started handling Jessica too. I noticed lately that Nichkhun was nowhere to be seen, and it was more than a relief for me since no one bugging me everyday; I wonder if Taeyeon has something to do with it but the hell I care as long as I wouldn't see his face here then problem solve. My bubbles of thought were interrupted when I felt someone tapping my shoulder and there I saw my fiancee looking weirdly at me but I only managed to embrace him tightly that he obliged to embrace me back with tenderness, oh how I love this man for all my life.

"Have you been waiting for too long, honey?" Recently he was calling me honey that I object to it at first but after bugging me for a week I let him and I called him boo as a payback though he didn't mind at all.

"Yeah and for making me wait just treat me something nice tonight boo!" I exclaimed made him chuckled a bit as he kisses the tip of my nose before landing on my irresistible lips while holding my hand leading us outside his office.




Nichkhun was silently watching the happy couple heading into a luxurious silver BMW while he was inside his own red Ferrari car probably spying both of them. He was gripping tightly at the steering wheel while gritting his teeth out of anger, he wants to take revenge after immediately terminating his contract under the company and taking away Tiffany from him. He was blabbering something until his victims were already disappeared in front of his own eyes, he silently cursing Taeyeon holding Tiffany's photo in his hand before crumpling it throwing outside his window car, he pulled out a silver caliber from his car drawer and amused by how beautiful the gun was but more amusing when he blows it off from his target's head, he turns on the engine and heading off somewhere away from SM entertainment.



The TaeNy couple were already on their way home after having a perfect dinner that Sooyoung booked for them. Taeyeon who was stealing glances at his sleeping fiance beside her couldn't keep his eyes from her, he was beyond grateful having Tiffany on his life through ups and down even he wasn't a rich man before she met him, the woman was indeed the chosen one for him, his trails of thoughts was being spoiled when suddenly a red Ferrari hits them behind with a great speed pushing them off out of the lane as Taeyeon getting out of control they crashed on a huge tree nearby. Taking the advantage, Nichkhun swiftly hopped outside of his car and slowly approaching the crashed car. He slowly fished out his silver gun and when he finally stood beside the drivers seat, he saw Taeyeon holding his injured forehead soaked in blood while eyeing Tiffany who unconsciously seating beside her fiancee with a blood oozed from her forehead and a lot of bruises visibly seen on her beautiful face. Nichkhun threw an ugly stare as he pointed the gun into Taeyeon's direction but before he pulled out the trigger he was getting caught by the midget's quick reflex and managed to fell off to the ground with Taeyeon. They were both struggling gripping tightly into the gun swaying from the left to the right vice versa until one of them managed to pulled the trigger. As a result, Nichkhun let out a whimper when Taeyeon manage to hovered on top to punching him hard straight to his face and let the gun off from his hand. The small one get up from his feet weakly dragging himself towards where the gun has been thrown but the taller guy grabbed into his left foot made him stumble back again to the cold hard ground, he was being harshly dragged but still fighting along to keep him away from the gun and he did it. Taeyeon was badly shot on his already bleeding waist and gently covered the wounded part by his hand to stop it from bleeding. Nichkhun who was on his feet jumped on the midget's sore back so they were on the ground again fighting along with strength being a more masculine between them, the Thai guy let out many hooks and jabs to his target.

"JUST DIE KIM TAEYEON!" Nichkhun hovering on top of Taeyeon while punching him endlessly. The guy underneath manage to defend himself by blocking every straight punch but his body was getting weaker due to the car accident also his mind was being occupied by Tiffany who was unconscious inside the crashed car unfortunately to them there were few cars passing on that alternative route since it was already 1 am.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE GET OFF FROM ME!" Taeyeon yelled as he manages to kick him into his groin making him cried out in pain. He slowly got up and kicked Nichkhun repeatedly but the invincible Thai guy has his own way to make Taeyeon suffered from pain. He grabbed a handful of dust from the ground and thrown into the midget's face who immediately fell into the ground, Nichkhun quickly grabbed the opportunity to take the gun with him and he did it. The Thai guy stood pointing the gun towards Taeyeon and pulled the trigger, a loud shot audibly heard in an empty street followed by another one, Nichkhun fell from his feet lifelessly.

"TAEYEON-AH!" Jessica shouted while crossing the street with the group of police and medics behind followed by Sooyoung who was nervously holding his phone. The tall manager checked Tiffany first and he was shocked by the Hallyu star's critical condition tightly gripping on her phone since she managed you give him a call for help before she already passed out.

"FANY-AH? WAKE UP PLEASEEEE!" Sooyoung shooking Tiffany's body while bringing her inside the ambulance attended by the medics. On the other hand, Jessica was attending Taeyeon on the other ambulance, the midget was having two shots on his waist and right chest both were on critical condition.


Mr. Kim landed safely from a foreign country with YoonYul after hearing his own son's condition he insisted to come over despite his weak condition due to his therapy. They arrived at Seoul General Hospital and saw Sooyoung already waiting for them, the private ward was located on the 9th floor and there they finally entered the cozy room, seeing Jessica silently stroking Taeyeon's hair while humming a song. Mr. Taehyung Kim let out his tears and hold onto Yuri and Sooyoung for support as he couldn't take this where he saw his unconscious son covered with bandages on his forehead and more IV into his arms. He was only asleep and already safe from danger they need to wait for him to woke up while for Tiffany's condition she was critical and still in coma state, she's still at the ICU for two days. Sooyoung already told Taehyung Kim about the whole incident and good thing Nichkhun was dead, the companies were being handled by Sooyoungfor awhile and taken over by Yoona since she already arrived.

"Oppa? Please wake up soon. I have good news for you, Yuri and I were expecting our first child now, and probably by March was our expected date the child was being born." Yoona whispered into her half brother's ear and gently caressing his face. She was on good terms with him though they were having a misunderstanding at first since Taeyeon was behind her successful marriage with Yuri they're getting more closer after that event.

"Let's pray that they were both safe and come back to us." Mr. Kim spoke as he settled himself on the nearby couch glancing in Taeyeon's direction. They silently pray and hope for the couples' fast recovery and prepares for their wedding.


To be continued.


A/N: Oh, only one chapter left before the story bid goodbye and I want to thank all of you for supporting this until the end. Hope TaeNy will wake up soon but we'll see if they'll end up together. Stay tuned.

With Love,


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