Chapter 9!

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 "Sam, your hour is over now come on im taking you home" he said, grabbing my hands pulling me out of the room.

"No Tom I cant the room is not done, I cant dont you care this is for you" I said pulling my hands away.


My mouth dropped to the floor.

What did he just say?.


"What did you just say?" I asked.

"Err, no-nothing" he replied, his face went pale.

"What do you mean "have to marry me?" I asked.

"You need to talk to your father about it not me" he replied. I ran into my office and grabbed my keys and bag, phone and my jacket.

"You come with me NOW!" I said, pointing at Tom. He nodded then he followed me out of the club. I locked the doors and went over to my car.

I unlocked it and got in. Tom followed me in the car and I started the car and drove. "Sam, calm down please" Tom said grabbing my hand.

I pulled my hand away and said" GET off me". I carried on driving until we got to my house.

I stopped the car in the drive way. I saw two cars one dad,s. The others I didnt not know whose.

I tooks my keys and bag. I ran into the house and I opened the door. Tom came running in after me. I walked into the living room to find dad and mom with a woman and a man.

The woman looked a bit oldder then my mother with light brown hair and a few greys. The man had grey hair and looked the same age as the women beside him.

"Mom? dad? what are you doing here?" Tom asked behide me. I turned my head to see my mom crying beside my dad.

"What does Tom mean by marrying me?" I asked. Everyone looked at me.

"You told her?" my dad asked Tom.

"I didnt mean to, it spilled put, im sorry Mr. Rice" he repiled.

"WAIT! This is true? what the hell dad?" I asked.

"Baby, it was your grandmother and Tom,s grandmother, they were best of friends and they wanted to be one big family so they both signed a contace to saying they children's first child would marry" he said walking over to my mother who was still crying.

"Cant you get me out of it mom, you are a lawer?"  I asked.

"No sorry baby we tried, we really did" she replied.

I fell to the ground, crying. I felt a pair of arms around me, I knew it was Tom. 

"Well didnt I tell you would be great together?" Tom,s mother asked.

"Julie, shut up" Tom,s father said. "Gerry, come on lets leave Sam and Tom together and we will go into your study" my mother said.

Everyone left, I carried on crying then I asked" Tom, can you help me up please?".

He nodded then lifted me up in bride style on to the sofa and he layed me down.

"Sam, get some sleep please" he said.

"Tom, can you stay please? I dont want to be on my own" I asked getting really tried.

"Ok, move over, ill lay with you if want?" he said.

"Yes please, but tomorrow I will kill you and your parents for this" I said. I moved up and Tom layed down beside me.

"Ok, but until then get some sleep" he repiled.

I closed my eyes and get to sleep but not before I heard" I cant wait to spent me birthday with you Sammy".

After that I blacked out.



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