Chapter 23

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"Sam hurry up or we are going to be late you'r parents have already left with Olivia and my parents" Tom yelled from downstairs, "do you have my cap and gown?" I asked walking downstairs to him.

"Come on or you'r going to be late for your own graduation" he said pushing me out of the house. That's right today is my graduation at last after today I never have to go back to school, I got As and Bs in my exams so im happy. I still have to talk to Tom about me going college but I don't know if I can now with Olivia and with our baby on the way plus with planning a wedding.

I got in the car and Tom to my school, when he pulled up beside dad's car. I turned around and bent over to grab my blue gown and blue hat from the backseats. I turned back to see Tom looking at me, "Tom what's wrong?" I asked.

"Just be careful today don't want you getting hurt up there on stage" Tom said caring my cheek, I luaghed then put on my gown and cap. "I'll be fine don,t worry 'now I better go and get my seat" I repiled getting out of car, Tom followed me out and walked up beside me.

"DADDY!" Olivia screamed running up to him, he picked her up in his arms. I went to find my seat and found it, I found Jess standing up talking to our class mates. She saw me and hugged me.

"Hey there preggers" she said laughing, I laughed back then repiled" hi Jessica". I sat down in my seat then saw to my left Josh sitting beside me, he smiled at me and I just turned then started to talk to Jess.

"So Sam how are you feeling?" Jess asked, " had morning sickness again before but I'll live" I replied. "Maybe it won't be as bad as when you were pregnant with Olivia" she commented laughing.

"Sam can we talk please?" I heard Josh ask behide me' "hey Jess only a few weeks until me and Tom get married" I told her smiling and giggling like a little girl.

"Oh honey can't wait have you're got your dress yet?" she asked, I nodded. She was about to say something until I turned around to see Josh all red in the face.

I didn,t say or do anything so he just got up off his seat and left. I looked up at the stage to see dad standing at the mic, "welcome everyone to see our 2013 class gratdute" he said.

Everyone clapped then dad carried on saying" ok so we don't to be here all day so first up Ms Powers with our choir". Jess and myself stood up out of our seats and walked up to the stage.

We took our places and Ms Powers nodded we started to sing (SONG ON THE SIDE). Once we stopped singing everyone was clapping and cheering, we walked off the stage back to our seats. When we sat down dad started to talk again, I zoned out for a bit.

"Jessica Lee" my dad called her name, she went up shook his hand as he handed her the depoil(don,t know how to spell that) and walked off stage. " Samantha Rice" dad called my name, I walked up the stage and dad handed me my depoila then shook my hand. I smiled then walked off saying thank you to my old teachers.

I went back to my place and then dad said" well done to our class of 2013, and good luck in the futrue", we all clapped and cheered throwing our hands in the air hugging everyone.

I turned around to see Olivia in Tom's arms, once she saw me she screamed" MOMMY" at the top of her lungs. I picked up my cap from the floor and ran over to her. "Hi baby" I said in a baby voice, she giggled and I put my cap on her head.

She left the cap on and I kissed Tom on his cheek, "hi there" I said smiling at him. He out his arm around my lower back while I was holding Olivia on my hip.

"So now can you tell me what you have planned?" I asked rubbing my lipstick off his cheek. He smiled, he nodded then repiled" we are having a family meal at your mom's and she said that Olivia is staying at hers for the night so you and the baby rest".

I nodded swapping Olivia over to my other hip then asked her" you happy your going to be a big sister baby? ". "Ya mommy but mommy where is nana and granddaddy?' she asked looking around the school for my parents.

I saw my dad walking over to the side of the school and I followed him still holding Olivia with Tom behide me, when I turned the coner to see my kissed a blonde head women, Rachel was blonde but this women was smaller then Rachel. "DADDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I asked so shocked he opened his eye then the women turned around the women was.........................

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