Chapter 25

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I opened my eyes and blicked as the lights were too bright. I looked around to see no one, "Tom? anyone?" I said in a low voice. The door opened, I saw Tom limping though the door with a black eye and cuts, he looked up to see me. "Oh Sam thank God you are awake" Tom said coming to my side grabbing my hand kissing my forehead.

"Tom what happened?" I asked, my mouth was so dry. Tom grabbed a cup of water from the side table and put it to my mouth, I drank a bit of it. When I was done he put it back on the table, he grabbed my hand and started to explain what happen.

"A truck hit us on yourside of the car really hard, I lost control of the car. The car flipped over 3 times until we hit a tree, some people who were driving at the same time rang for the cops and an ambulance. You blacked out a few times in the car, I got you out of the car just when the ambulance got there. Sam the driver ment to hit us, she was taken to jail that night" Tom said at the end he was crying. I tired to sit up but I could not move.

"Tom who was the driver? oh my God Tom the baby! What about the baby Tom?" I asked stressing out, Tom looked up and said" Sam the driver was Rachel your dad's ex-girlfriend and I'm so sorry te- t- the baby didn't make it when we were hit by the tree you hit your stomach on the bash broad really hard".

I can't believe my ears Rachel killed my baby, "Tom how long I been here?" I asked thinking about Olivia. "3 days you hit your head hard" he repiled, I started to cry for the loss of my baby. "Why did she hit us? what did we ever do to her?" I asked trying to get my head around all of this.

"She thought we were your parents, she knew your mother left Rich and after your dad dumped her she put two and two together. But she knew it was true when she saw them kissing at your grad she has pictures of when we saw them" he explain.

"Tom I need Olivia please" I asked him, he nodded walking out of the door. After a few minute Tom walked back into the room with a very tired looking Olivia holding onto Tom's neck, "baby come to mommy" I said opening my arms for her. Tom sat her down on the bed and she sat on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her and she lay her head on my chest.

"Mommy, daddy said baby is with the angels in heaven why did baby leave mommy? Did I do something wrong I didn't mean to I'm sorry mommy" she cried into my chest. My heart broke and I lifted her head up to look at her, and I rubbed off the tears on her cheeks.

"Baby you did nothing bad ok? the baby went up the the angels because of a bad person. I'm sorry baby and I want you to know that for the next few weeks are going to be hard so if you need to talk you can tell me or daddy ok sweetie?" I told her, she nodded her little head.

"Go sleep baby, you missed your nap daddy tells me, mommy is fine and she is going to take a nap also with you" I said laying down, she lay beside me with her head on my stomach. "Tom lay down beside me please" I asked him.

He came and lay beside me, I lay my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me and Liv. That night I fell asleep without seeing my family because all I needed are with me now, we all fell asleep.

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