Chapter twenty six~more youtubers?

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"Hey Paul are you gonna wake her up yet?" "No no no let her sleep a bit more" "it's one in the afternoon and I'm hungry" "no Danny let her wake up on her own" I could faintly hear Paul and Danny talking, I started opening my eyes "finally" Danny said, "hey sleepy head, did you have a good sleep " Paul asked, I rubbed my eyes and sat up "yeah I did, sorry for sleeping so long" I told them, Paul quickly spoke "no it's fine, I'm just glad you had a good sleep and now I get to see your beautiful eyes" I smiled and gave him a hug "ugh stop being cute guys I need food" Danny whined, I laughed "alright I'll go cook something, what do you want?" "CAKE" they shouted in union. "Okay cake it is" I said getting up.

Cake in the middle of the day... Okay. Looking for the ingredients was a struggle but I managed to get the cake made (a red velvet cake to be exact) Now to put the icing on... I started looking for a spatula or something, "EEEK!!!" I screeched, Paul ran into the kitchen "what happened?!? Are you okay?!? Are you bleeding?!! Do you need to go to the hospital?!?? What di-" "Paul calm down I just got excited cause I found piping bags which means I get to have fun decorating the cake instead of just putting the icing on" I interrupted "oh thank god, you scared me, I thought you were hurt" he said, "I'm sorry" "it's okay" he told me giving me a hug and a kiss on my forehead. I started getting back to work cause Danny's complaining wasn't getting any better until I give him this cake.

After about twenty minutes I got the cake done and it looked pretty awesome, I brought the cake out and forks for the guys, I'm not even gonna bother bringing them plates cause we both know that they're not going to use them. "Here you go" I said putting the cake down on the table, they're eyes lit up like kids on Christmas Day. "Hold on, did you just buy this from the store?" Danny asked confused, "no I made it myself, there was piping bags in a drawer in the kitchen that I used to do all the fancy stuff" I explained, "ohh it looks fricken amazing" Danny said digging into the cake immediately after, "I agree, it's amazing, great job babe" Paul said also quickly digging into the cake, I giggled watching them dig into the cake like they haven't eaten in days. I walked back into the kitchen to clean up my small mess and I say small mess because I'm very tidy when it comes to baking.

~Three hours later~

Everyone was chilling out in the living room on our phones, me and Paul were on the long couch together cuddling and Danny was on the love seat across from us. "Hey you know what, we should throw a party and invite some more youtubers" Paul suggested, "ask your YouTube addicted girlfriend" Danny told Paul, " hey hey we're also YouTube addicted" Paul laughed "true" Danny said scrolling through Twitter talking to fans. Paul tapped my shoulder and took my headphones out "hey my music" I said with a sad puppy face, "do you wanna throw a party here and invite some of our YouTube friends?" He asked me "um HELL YES"  "okay great guys now let's decide who to invite..." Paul said.

leave some suggestions of youtubers you want to be there and also should I put one of you guys in the story? Don't be shy to comment

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